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søndag den 26. maj 2019

The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away – ThinkProgress

The Great Lakes Go Dry: How One-Fifth Of The World’s Fresh Water Is Dwindling Away – ThinkProgress

"Increasingly, scientists believe that climate change is driving the warming waters and setting up a new regime in the Great Lakes that may lead to lower lake levels and a permanently altered shoreline.

Ever since the 1990s, Lake Michigan has been predominantly below its long-term water level average, and trending downwards. Water levels plummeted precipitously in the late 1990s, after a strong El Niño event warmed up the waters.
“That event drastically increased water temperatures,” explained Drew Gronewold, a physical scientist at NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). “Over the course of just one year, water temperatures went up by 2.5 degrees Celsius. That’s huge. And the cycle is reinforcing; one really warm year led to more than a decade of dropping lake levels.”
As the lake warms, it’s changing the water levels, as well. Most evaporation on the Great Lakes occurs in the fall when the lake is still warm from..."

Microsoft OneDrive Mobil APP

Microsoft OneDrive

Colorado highway closed 'indefinitely' after massive boulders smash roadway | Fox News

Colorado highway closed 'indefinitely' after massive boulders smash roadway | Fox News

The Original Temperatures Project: Iceland – Om Virkelighedens Komplekse Klima

The Original Temperatures Project: Iceland – Om Virkelighedens Komplekse Klima

US Now Wettest In 2 Decades! Meteorologist Bastardi: 2012 “Permanent Drought” Predictions “As Big A Fiasco” As Ice-Free Arctic Prediction

US Now Wettest In 2 Decades! Meteorologist Bastardi: 2012 “Permanent Drought” Predictions “As Big A Fiasco” As Ice-Free Arctic Prediction

Profil - Site de lecolocritique !

Profil - Site de lecolocritique !

Jean-Pierre Bardinet, auteur sur Le Monde de l'Energie

Jean-Pierre Bardinet, auteur sur Le Monde de l'Energie

De l'hystérie climatique, par Jean-Pierre Bardinet [L'Agora]

De l'hystérie climatique, par Jean-Pierre Bardinet [L'Agora]

De l'hystérie climatique, par Jean-Pierre Bardinet [L'Agora]

De l'hystérie climatique, par Jean-Pierre Bardinet [L'Agora]

tirsdag den 21. maj 2019

Toppolitikere efter B.T.s afsløring af drengebander: De skal bures inde | BT Samfund -

Toppolitikere efter B.T.s afsløring af drengebander: De skal bures inde | BT Samfund -

"Udlændinge- og integrationsordfører for Socialdemokratiet Mattias Tesfaye (S) har også fulgt med i B.T.s dækning af situationen i Brønshøj, og det er læsning, der gør ham vred.

Vred over, at trygheden i et lokalsamfund er under angreb. Et angreb, han mener, der skal slås hårdt tilbage på.
Mattias Tesfaye (S).
Mattias Tesfaye (S). Foto: Mads Claus Rasmussen
»Vi har et af verdens bedste velfærdssamfund, der ligger for deres fødder. Vi rækker hånden ud til dem, og hvis de giver os en lussing tilbage, så har velfærdsstaten også en anden side – en rimelig kontant knytnæve, der er i stand til at opspore, hvem der begår kriminalitet, og bure dem inde,« siger Mattias Tesfaye til B.T.
Han fortæller, at hvis de vælger at træde ind i banderne, er det deres eget valg og også deres ansvar, at de bliver mødt med en kontant afregning
»De må selv træffe det valg. Det nytter ikke at gøre sig til offer og slå ud med armene og provokere i sit lokalsamfund. De får valgmuligheden, men vi kan ikke træffe valget for dem,« siger han.
Mattias Tesfaye fortæller, at det godt kan være, de har haft en hård opvækst eller føler sig ekskluderet af samfundet." Kilde: BT, se link

mandag den 13. maj 2019

Big tech has spent $582M lobbying Congress. Here’s where that money went | Fox Business

Big tech has spent $582M lobbying Congress. Here’s where that money went | Fox Business

"The five biggest technology companies in the U.S. have poured more than half a billion dollars since 2005 into lobbying Congress on issues ranging from privacy to tax laws.

From 2005 to 2018, AmazonAppleFacebookGoogle and Microsoft spent a collective $582 million trying to influence Capitol Hill, according to a new report from vpnMentor, as some of those companies tried to privately battle growing concerns about their handling of user data."  

tirsdag den 7. maj 2019

The New Thought Police? Facebook's Evicted Seven And The Future of Free Speech

Stevens rightly argues, “The issue is much simpler: Do you trust Mark Zuckerberg and the other young lords of Silicon Valley to be good stewards of the world’s digital speech? I don’t, but not because conservatives believe (sometimes with good reason) that the Valley is culturally, politically and possibly algorithmically biased against them. As with liberalism in academia, the left-wing tilt in tech may be smug and self-serving, but it doesn’t stop conservatives from getting their messages across. It certainly doesn’t keep Republicans from winning elections. The deeper problem is the overwhelming concentration of technical, financial and moral power in the hands of a people who lack the training, experience, wisdom, trustworthiness, humility and incentives to exercise that power responsibly.”
Indeed, we do know the predominating worldview that governs Silicon Valley. The overlords of the digital world have made that abundantly clear.
But Silicon Valley finds itself engrossed in massive political binds. Two competing worldviews arise in this technological, legal, and moral quandary facing social media giants—namely, the European understanding of free speech as opposed to the American model of free speech.
The European tradition of free speech views the right as conditioned by national interests and governmental power. Thus, a right to free speech is more conditional. In some cases, freedom of speech is merely tolerated. An illustration of this would be criminalizing the refusal to use a person’s preferred gender pronoun. That’s not a hypothetical situation. That is happening in Europe and in Canada.
Those nations, therefore, have exerted pressure on Facebook to clamp down on the types of speech that appear on the platform. Facebook faces a dilemma: either it will comply with European governments and curtail free speech, or the company will face fines, penalties, or even being shut down in those countries.
Meanwhile, the United States presents Facebook with a host of other challenges. Though the nation protects the freedom of speech, will the United States allow Facebook to police themselves, or will the federal government enact legislation to regulate Facebook?
The moral and ethical questions that gravitate around social media are staggering. "

McDonald's-indehaver er tilskuer til volden i København: »Jeg har været nødt til at hyre vagter«

McDonald's-indehaver er tilskuer til volden i København: »Jeg har været nødt til at hyre vagter«

McDonald's-indehaver er tilskuer til volden i København: »Jeg har været nødt til at hyre vagter«

McDonald's-indehaver er tilskuer til volden i København: »Jeg har været nødt til at hyre vagter«