SDF operationer

SDF operationer
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fredag den 31. marts 2017

Nazi SS commander wished Grand Mufti success in fight 'against the Jewish invaders' - Israel News -

Nazi SS commander wished Grand Mufti success in fight 'against the Jewish invaders' - Israel News -

Links-Politikerin spricht über den türkischen Präsidenten - » Erdogan ist ein Terrorist - Politik Inland -

Links-Politikerin spricht über den türkischen Präsidenten - » Erdogan ist ein Terrorist - Politik Inland -

Sahra Wagenknecht bezeichnet Recep Tayyip Erdogan als Terroristen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Sahra Wagenknecht bezeichnet Recep Tayyip Erdogan als Terroristen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Casper Christensen og civilisationens forfald - Rune Toftegaard Selsing - Blogs - Debat

Casper Christensen og civilisationens forfald - Rune Toftegaard Selsing - Blogs - Debat   

Citat fra Jyllands-Posten, se linket

"Skulle jeg spekulere i, hvilket slags menneske, der er udkommet af for meget Casper-Christensen-tv ville jeg pege på den karakterstik, journalisten Anne Grethe Rasmussen for et par år siden leverede, efter at have overværet en række danske kendisser på cafe i København. Støjende, infantile, overfladiske, grove, sexistiske og uhæmmet selvpromoverende. Den ene beskrevet som en entertainer i 40erne, der er eftertrykkeligt berømt og som var på vej til at blive gift med sin lige så kendte vens halvt så gamle datter. En ung kvinde som han - offentligt proklameret i selskab med faderen- »boller i røven«. Det vulgære og brovtende i uskøn forening. Ikke engang moderne kunst kan følge med på en sådan fornedring.

Hvis det lyder som forfald, ligner forfald og promoverer forfald, så er det nok fordi vi har at gøre med forfald. I den udvidede, normative betydning af ordet: som fetichering af ødelæggelsen af mennesket som noget særligt. Fremstillingen af mennesket som moralsk amputeret, som knækket, afstumpet, pinligt og svinsk, er mere end bare sjov. Det er opløsning af menneskevæsenet som bærer af det gode og smukke i livet.
Der er publikum til den slags, bestemt. Det har der altid været – vi mennesker dyrker ikke kun det opbyggelige og ophøjede, men tiltrækkes også af det lave og det grimme. Men vi skal huske, hvad det er. Kalde trolden ved navn." 

Hvad Casper Christensen ikke forstår - Mikael Jalving - Blogs - Debat

Hvad Casper Christensen ikke forstår - Mikael Jalving - Blogs - Debat

søndag den 26. marts 2017

Aynur Doğan

Aynur Doğan

Motion in Scottish Parliament : Justice for Yazidis

<UNSPECIFIED>    "return to their homelands and begin rebuilding their lives.”
Scotland is undoubtedly committed to upholding
human dignity, human rights and fundamental
equality. Our country welcomes and celebrates
diversity in all its forms. In the face of despicable
brutality, promoting tolerance and acknowledging
the unimaginable human suffering and loss that
can be inflicted by bigotry, brutality and religious
intolerance have never been more significant.
ISIL has made it clear that it intends to destroy
the Yazidis completely through killings, forced
conversions and rapes. Organisations and
Governments across the globe increasingly
recognise that genocide is being committed
against the Yazidis. Victims such as Nadia Murad
and Lamiya Aji Bashar want the chance to face
their abusers in court, and they deserve nothing
There is no doubt that the UK Government
should request that the UN Security Council refer
the genocide to the International Criminal Court in
order to ensure adequate punishment for those
who have committed such barbarities. Resolute
and immediate action to prevent repeats of the
events must be taken; there is no valid excuse for
ignorance or failing to act."

Meeting of the Scottish Parliament - march 23 , 2017


fredag den 24. marts 2017

Enheds-omregner - Folkeskolens formelsamling

Effektiv og omfattende Enheds-omregner i Excel svarende til niveauet i- Folkeskolens formelsamling 

Skal downloades som Excel fil for fuldt ud fungere fordi der i overskrifterne er nogle potensudtryk, der står som billeder.

lørdag den 18. marts 2017

President Trump no longer safe in White House: Former Secret Service agent | Fox News

President Trump no longer safe in White House: Former Secret Service agent | Fox News 

"“That just shows the president is not safe there - in the White House. The Secret Service does not have the assets, they don't have personnel on the ground they need to keep him safe.”

Should a group of terrorists decide to storm the White House, the Secret Service would not be able to protect Trump, Bongino predicted.
“The Secret Service cannot even keep one person off the grounds - what will they do if 40 terrorists charge the White House?” he asked. “And believe me the terrorists are already thinking about that.”"

Congressional Leaders Seek Release of American Pastor Unjustly Detained in Turkey - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Congressional Leaders Seek Release of American Pastor Unjustly Detained in Turkey - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Three challenges for the web, according to its inventor – World Wide Web Foundation

Three challenges for the web, according to its inventor – World Wide Web Foundation

fredag den 17. marts 2017

Richard Feynman on Science vs. Religion and Why Uncertainty Is Central to Morality – Brain Pickings

Richard Feynman on Science vs. Religion and Why Uncertainty Is Central to Morality – Brain Pickings 

"Feynman writes:

I do not believe that science can disprove the existence of God; I think that is impossible. And if it is impossible, is not a belief in science and in a God — an ordinary God of religion — a consistent possibility?
Yes, it is consistent. Despite the fact that I said that more than half of the scientists don’t believe in God, many scientists do believe in both science and God, in a perfectly consistent way."