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tirsdag den 23. februar 2016

Accountability for War Crimes in Turkey

Accountability for War Crimes in Turkey

Iwo Jima vet: "I prayed hard, I dug deep and I ran fast.”

“I was on Iwo Jima for 45 days. I didn’t get injured or anything and I owe it to three things: I prayed hard, I dug deep and I ran fast.”

William "Bill" Schott, a Marine veteran and survivor from the battle of Iwo Jima, poses for a photo at the Iwo Jima Battle Survivors and Family Association 70th anniversary reunion Wichita Falls, Texas, February 14, 2015. Schott served in the Marine Corps from 1943 to 1947.   

Før PKK kan blive ødelagt

Før PKK kan blive ødelagt bliver de tyrkiske styrker nødt til at jævne byer og landsbyer i det syd-østlige Tyrkiet med jorden. De er på vej til at gøre dette, med meget lidt international fordømmelse af deres handlinger”. i
Vijay Prashad, Director of International Studies at Trinity College, Connecticut, USA. Den 5. januar 2016.   

Top 5: Længste hængebroer i verden - Livsstil

Top 5: Længste hængebroer i verden - Livsstil

mandag den 22. februar 2016

Open letter: Victimised academics in Turkey need support | Green Left Weekly

Open letter: Victimised academics in Turkey need support | Green Left Weekly 

Open letter: Victimised academics in Turkey need support

Monday, February 22, 2016

“The seriousness of the situation is difficult to exaggerate,” said Tully. “Turkey is sliding towards open dictatorship and the war on the Kurds has reached a critical stage. Our academic colleagues are facing imprisonment and possible death at the hands of fascists.”

Destruction caused by Turkish military in Diyarbakır (Amed), Turkish Kurdistan (Bakur), February 20.

Australians for Kurdistan (AfK) is circulating an open letter urging Australian academics to support their colleagues in Turkey, who are facing massive repression by the government for denouncing the war on the Kurds.

The letter was initiated by AfK member John Tully, who is an Honorary Professor at Victoria University in Melbourne. He is urging his fellow academics to sign the appeal, which has the support of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), by emailing with a copy to giving their institution, title and state.

“The seriousness of the situation is difficult to exaggerate,” said Tully. “Turkey is sliding towards open dictatorship and the war on the Kurds has reached a critical stage. Our academic colleagues are facing imprisonment and possible death at the hands of fascists.”

The NTEU is also circulating a statement of support by the International Scholars at Risk, which can be viewed on its website.


As scholars associated with universities and higher education institutions in Australia, we are extremely disturbed by Turkey's recent treatment of academics who have spoken out against atrocities being committed by the Turkish state against Kurdish civilians in the eastern parts of the country.

Some 1128 Turkish and Kurdish “Academics for Peace” have courageously signed a statement entitled “We Will Not Be A Party To This Crime”, which calls on the Turkish government to cease hostilities against its Kurdish population. Since the publication of this statement, these academics have been subject to a sustained campaign of abuse and violence from both the Turkish state and its supporters.

In recent speeches, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has publicly denounced these academics. Subsequently, prosecutors have begun proceedings to charge all 1128 of the original signatories with “propagandising for a terrorist organisation” and “overtly insulting the Turkish nation, the State of the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the judicial organs of the state”.

Signatories have also been publicly exposed in the press and social media by government supporters and nationalists, leading to fears of reprisals from fascists who have declared they will “spill the blood” of the signatories. Many of the signatories also face disciplinary proceedings and possible sackings from their institutions.

Twenty-two academics have so far been taken into custody. If convicted of these charges they could face one to five years imprisonment. The legitimacy of the arrests has already been questioned by prominent legal experts and described as “extra-legal” decisions.

These unjust acts are unfolding in a context of continuing state violence against Kurds. In December alone, 100 Kurds were killed as a result of military operations conducted by the Turkish state. Since August, there have been 52 open-ended and round-the-clock curfews imposed on more than 1 million inhabitants in south-east Turkey.

In such a context, the clampdown on academic freedom constitutes another moment in the deepening authoritarianism of the Turkish state. This includes attacks on not only academics but also the continuing imprisonment and deaths of journalists, opposition MPs, lawyers and activists.

We call on the Turkish government to stop the prosecutions, immediately release all those imprisoned and commit to the principles of academic freedom and free speech. We moreover reaffirm the Academics for Peace call on the Turkish government to cease their hostilities against the Kurds.

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From GLW issue 1084  

mandag den 8. februar 2016



We, the Peoples’ Democratic Party Headquarters, would like to share our alarming concern regarding the systematic violation of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kurdish towns and cities that have been ruled under round-the-clock curfews by Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Government. This curfew practice, promulgated by AKP Government starting in August 16, 2015, is a no mere breach of the fundamental principals of international humanitarian law. It is also in violation of Turkey’s very own Constitutional law and order. The town of Cizre, Şırnak province, is one site where state-sponsored violence and rights-violations have reached their peak. During the last fifty-four-day-long uninterrupted round-the-clock curfew, seventy five identified civilians and more than twenty unidentified citizens have been killed over the course of heavy bombardments by security forces. On January 23, a military bombardment left a total of thirty one civilians, most of them wounded, stuck in the cellar of an apartment. Since then, our countless efforts directed at the AKP Government for the secure transfer of the wounded to hospitals have remained unanswered, while bombardments of the area continued unabated leaving seven of the wounded dead. The remaining twenty-four survivors continue to fight for their lives without any access to physical security or medical provision in that cellar of horror. As this unbearable human tragedy continues, we have been overwhelmed by another tragic news from Cizre since yesterday. According to the reports confirmed by our Headquarters, a building located in Cudi neighborhood was set alight on February 4, 2016 over the course of a concerted military operation by mortars and heavy arms, and thirty seven residents remained stuck in the fire. We have been contacting the AKP Government for the urgent rescue of these residents from the building. The HDP Parliamentary Group Deputy Chair, Mr. Idris Baluken, officially contacted the Turkish Ministry of Interior representatives to take initiative for the rescue of these citizens, while the HDP Deputy for Şırnak province Mr. Faysal Sarıyıldız took personal initiative to direct the municipal fire engines to the area only asking the Government to prevent security forces from obstructing the engines’ passage. Despite, the promises made by the Ministry of Interior, security units stationed at the locality has so far prevented any rescue efforts at the area. As the fire in the building continues, we have confirmed the deaths of nine residents including two children, and we are extremely concerned about the lives of twenty-seven survivors who are reportedly severely burnt. Within such context of further impending tragedies, we call on international humanitarian organizations and public opinion to take urgent and effective initiative to urge the Turkish Government to take immediate action to rescue the survivors of military operations in Cizre, put an immediate end to curfews in Kurdish towns and cities that bring more death and suffering every passing hour, and comply with basic principals of humanitarian law towards its Kurdish citizens. We would like to emphasize that the continued indifference of international community toward state  sponsored violence and terror, would render Turkey’s Kurdish community even more vulnerable to persecution and suffering en masse.


 Hişyar Özsoy

 Vice Co-chair in Charge of Foreign Affairs of Peoples’ Democratic Party,

 Deputy for Bingöl

February 5, 2016

 Değerli Arkadaşlar,

Turkey must be removed from NATO: US Army general

Turkey must be removed from NATO: US Army general

Turkey as an internal threat to NATO, who “will only cooperate when they have to and they will get as much out of NATO as they can” in terms of weapons and tactics.

lørdag den 6. februar 2016

Krig i Tyrkiet: Appel fra HDP

Appel til repræsentanterne for de parlamentariske grupper og den internationale offentlige opinion.

Den 5. januar 2016.
Kære fremtrædende repræsentanter for de parlamentariske grupper.
På vegne af Folkets Demokratiske Parti (HDP), som er det tredjestørste politiske parti i det tyrkiske parlament, ønsker vi at henlede jeres opmærksomhed på vores appelbrev om det fortsatte voldsklima som en følge af de igangværende militære operationer i Tyrkiets kurdiske byer samt den borgerkrigstilstand, der har indflydelse på hundredtusinder af civile kurdere.
Den 21. marts 2013, efter PKK’s leder Abdullah Öcalans erklæring om, at ”Våbnene bør være tavse, ideer og politik bør tale”, blev en fredsprocess og en dialog påbegyndt. Derefter gennemførte en komite, der repræsenterede den tyrkiske stat, og en komite, som repræsenterede den kurdiske side, en række møder med hr. Öcalan. Som et betydningsfuldt første skridt til at finde en demokratisk løsning på det kurdiske spørgsmål blev begge parter enige om en liste med principper erklæret den 28. februar 2015, kendt som "Dolmabahçe-aftalerne." Ifølge en aftale indgået efter denne erklæring skulle hr. Öcalans budskab, som udtrykker hans ønske om en permanent fred, læses offentligt under Newroz (traditionelt kurdisk ( kurdisk tilføjet af oversætteren) nytår) festlighederne i Amed (Diyarbekir) den 21. marts 2015.
Endvidere skulle et overvågningsudvalg, som blev nedsat i Imrali fængslet (hvor Abdullah Öcalan har siddet fængslet i mange år – oversætteren), slutte sig til møderne som en tredje part. Under det første møde, der skulle afholdes i overværelse af overvågningsudvalget, skulle parterne
acceptere den officielle påbegyndelse af dialogen, og i linje med de aftalte minimale principper skulle hr. Öcalan bede PKK om at samle en kongres med henblik på at træffe en beslutning om at indgå i en demokratisk politisk kamp i stedet for en væbnet kamp mod den tyrkiske Republik. Faktisk havde det administrative råd for KCK, paraplyorganisationen for de kurdiske partier, heriblandt PKK, også erklæret offentligt, at såfremt de modtog en opfordring fra hr. Öcalan, var de rede til at samles.
Ulykkeligvis blev denne historiske chance forspildt som følge af præsident Erdoğans planer om et præsidentielt system, der ville danne grundlaget for et enmands diktatur, og som følge af Erdogans reaktion for at forhindre den politiske fremgang for kurderne uden for Tyrkiet, især i Rojava (syrisk Kurdistan), efter den seneste tids udvikling i Mellemøsten.
Men på grund af det faktum, at overvågningsudvalget ikke fik lov til at deltage i de forhandlinger, som var planlagt til at begynde i den sidste uge af marts, og på grund af Erdogans udtalelse om, at "der er intet bord, ingen aftale, ingen parter, intet overvågningsudvalg, og intet kurdisk problem", blev processen bragt til en uforsvarlig afslutning. Angrebene rettet mod vores parti, HDP, og dets tilhængere i optakten til valget den 7. juni 2015, tog til i perioden efter valget på grund af vores partis valgsucces og den deraf følgende stærke parlamentariske tilstedeværelse. Derfor var AKP ikke i stand til at sikre nok pladser i parlamentet til at danne en et-parti regering. Efter valget den 7. juni er kurdere og demokratisk indstillede personer arresteret i hundredevis, været genstand for lynchings kampagner og statslig vold. Niveauet for voldelighed og undertrykkende politikker nåede nye højder henover landet som en konsekvens af koordinerede angreb fra AKP-ISIS allianceni , som dræbte 138 personer i alt i i Diyarbekir, Pirsûs (Suruç), og Ankara.
På grund af krigen, som begyndte efter en periode, hvor det lod til, at freden var så nær i Tyrkiet, har 342 civile, næsten 400 PKK-guerillaer, soldater og politifolk i alt mistet livet i skrivende stund. Som en konsekvens af erklæringen om "midlertidige særlige militære zoner" i 145 bydele i 16 forskellige byer, beliggende henover områderne med kurdisk majoritet er hele den kurdiske region i landet blevet forvandlet til en krigszone.
Den omstændighed, at staten har erklæret udgangsforbud 54 gange i 18 kurdiske byer og distrikter, nogle gange i perioder helt op til to uger, gør desuden at det minder om en militær belejring. Udgangsforbudene, der ikke har nogen forfatningsretslig legitimitet eller noget andet legalt juridisk grundlag, krænker grundlæggende frihedsrettigheder, som er defineret i forfatningen, herunder den frie bevægelighed, retten til uddannelse, retten til sundhed og retten til livet.
Udgangsforbudene påvirker direkte 1,5 millioner mennesker, og indtil videre er 250.000 mennesker blevet tvunget til at migrere. Under disse omstændigheder - hvor det økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle liv er standset, el- og vandforsyningen er afbrudt, apoteker og bagerier er lukkede - tager volden livet af børn, kvinder og ældre én efter én, mens hele verden ser på. Steder,
der accepteres som menneskehedens fælles arv af tro og kultur, er ved at blive ødelagt. Foruden Diyarbakirs bymureii, som er på UNESCOs Verdensarvsliste, bliver den historiske Kurşunlu moskee, Alevi CEMEVI bønnehuset og kirker ødelagt.
Parlamentarikere og politikere, der har prøvet at besøge områder under udgangsforbud har været udsat for dødbringende obstruktion fra sikkerhedsstyrkernes side.
Det billede, som begynder at fremstå af Tyrkiet, indebærer sociale og politiske risici for radikalisme og vold, der vil have negativ indvirkning på Mellemøsten og Europa. Desværre er vi i dag tættere end nogensinde på et skrækscenarium. Det er uundgåeligt, at denne situation vil have alvorlige konsekvenser for et dybt ustabilt Mellemøsten, som allerede er i en voldscirkel, og også for Europa og hinsides. Der er et akut behov for omgående at stoppe militære og politiske operationer og vende direkte tilbage til forhandlingsbordet med hr. Öcalan, overvåget af en tredjepart, for at løse det kurdiske spørgsmål fredelig vis. For at opnå langsigtet stabilitet i Tyrkiet og den omkringlig-gende region må vi understrege, at det er afgørende, at de internationale politiske aktører og det internationale samfund udvikler en demokratisk og fredelig tilgang overfor udviklingen i Tyrkiet. Vi opfordrer alle nationale og internationale demokratiske platforme til åbent at kritisere og indlede de nødvendige procedurer overfor den igangværende politiske og humanitære krise i Tyrkiet, og at støtte kampen for fred og frihed for folkene i Tyrkiet.
Med venlig hilsen
Stedfortrædende med-ledere af HDP’s parlamentariske gruppe.
Posteret på HDP’s hjemmeside den 5. januar 2016.
Oversættelse: Heine Strømdahl, 07-01-2016 

onsdag den 3. februar 2016

More evidence on the execution of 6 people in Cizre

ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê   

More evidence on the execution of 6 people in Cizre

More evidence emerged on the execution of 6 people, one of whom is a woman, whose bodies were discovered in Cizre 2 days ago.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 2:15 PM
More evidence emerged on the execution of 6 people, one of whom is a woman, whose bodies were found in the Cudi neighborhood of Şırnak’s Cizre district 2 days ago. 4 of these bodies were found in the kitchen, 1 of them in the bathroom, and another one in the storage unit of two houses in Cudi neighborhood. Eyewitnesses who wish to remain anonymous spoke to Fırat News Agency and said that no armed confrontation was taking place in the region and the aforementioned 6 people were most likely executed. One of the eyewitnesses said that the people responsible for the execution had long beards and spoke Turkish in either a Turkmen or an Azeri accent.
The same eyewitness stated that four people were executed in the kitchen of a house, that their bodies remained at the site for a while, and that two of the bodies were burnt by the perpetrators. The eyewitness said that state forces were in control of the region, and that he entered the house after the massacre had taken place. Accordingly, only certain parts of the house were burnt, and the 4-5 propane cylinders in the kitchen had remained intact. The eyewitness said that these partial burn marks suggested that the 2 bodies that he had found were burnt purposefully, not due to an explosion.
Another eyewitness, who had seen a dead body right behind the house, said that the body was taken from the bathroom of İdris Candro and had 5-6 bullet wounds in his stomach. The eyewitness stated that another body was found in the garden of village guard Kamil Atak’s house, and that special operations forces took this body whose torso was later found in a carved out and tortured condition. The eyewitness noted that 2 women were taken into custody on the same street, and the police officer that spoke to the women had either a Turkmen or an Azeri accent. Accordingly, the officer told the women that they had left [the area] together and that he hadn’t shot them on purpose.
The police control in and around Cudi neighborhood is reminiscent of previous claims regarding the organic relationship among Turkey, ISIS, Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar-al Sham through which Turkmen fighters disguised as Turkish police take part in curfew operations in North Kurdistan.