Linking doesn't constitute endorsement. I may share (some) of the same beliefs and wievpoints presented in a link, but generally speaking I have chosen to link to articles I find relevant to issues that I focus on -whether I agree with the author or not.
- US silent as Christians are persecuted in Egypt? |...
- 22. mar. 2013 i Jægersborg Dyrehave – Google+
- Du kan hjælpe: politiet efterlyser hårdkogte krimi...
- NEJ tak til den nye offentlighedslov -
- SBC leader denounces papacy
- NEJ tak til den nye offentlighedslov -
- Pakistani mobs use blasphemy as excuse to persecut...
- Photo by birkuhrenholdt • Instagram
- La Paz Festival in Pictures
- National outcry over Joseph Colony incident - then...
- National outcry over Joseph Colony incident - then...
- Forskningschef: Danmark bliver det mest lukkede la...
- Two Together Forever - AnGeL Ministries - Anne Gra...
- Ved Antarktis kommer der mere og mere is
- Fakta: Her er de 14 forfatteres manifest for ytrin...
- And If Not...
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