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mandag den 31. oktober 2016
Killing the weak - in the name of the "right to die".
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
The Briefing.
Washington Post (Charles Lane) —
Europe’s morality crisis: Euthanizing the mentally ill
Canadian doctor helps 94-yr-old commit suicide who wasn't terminally ill but feared he was a burden
PLAY 5:01
National Post (Brian Hutchinson) —
The right to die on one’s own terms: At 94, sick, tired and living alone, ‘Dad got the death he wanted’
Denying coverage for terminal illness, insurance offers California mother suicide pills—for $1.20
PLAY 5:57
Washington Times (Bradford Richardson) —
Assisted-suicide law prompts insurance company to deny coverage to terminally ill California woman
Comment by Heine Strømdahl:
First they came up with the perverse idea of killing the weak and terminally ill in the name "the right to die". It has since been expanded to those who suffer mentally - ohh "how merciful" (irony intended). It opens the floodgates of Hell and death, potentially killing a host of people, the victims will mostly be depressed and sick/elderly people, who feel that they they are a burden - nowadays we are so "merciful" and "enlightened" that we come along and offer them a suicide pill so they can escape the depression and the pain, it's the the easy way out. and certainly the easy way out for those of us who aren't sick or depressed but can entertain ourselves in front of our Televisions with TV-shows about those who survived a severe illness - such as the Danish TV2 "Knæk Cancer" - while we sit comfortably down in our chairs and drink our warm coffee ) , As always , such measures hit hardest upon those who are the weakest and cannot speak for themselves. Not long before we begin killing many depressed people in the perverse name of "the right to die". Teenagers and children will also be killed/murdered on that account too, as ALREADY has happened in Holland or Belgium - they opened up for the floodgates of Hell years ago. A poor society, apparently not too much place for those who suffer or those with Down syndrom.. Makes me think of Mother Teresa who went to those who were alone and abandoned, the weakest of the weak, the dirty and most unattractive. May they not be forgotten in the busyness of our 21. century lives. That being said, Many people (in Denmark), religious (professing a faith) or not religious, do already work hard - paid or unpaid - caring for the disabled, sick and weak and homeless, they deserve recognition for that.
Addition: Link added 30-11-2016:
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
The Briefing.
From the terminally ill to the mentally ill: Europe's ever-expanding euthansia laws
Washington Post (Charles Lane) —
Europe’s morality crisis: Euthanizing the mentally ill
Canadian doctor helps 94-yr-old commit suicide who wasn't terminally ill but feared he was a burden
PLAY 5:01
National Post (Brian Hutchinson) —
The right to die on one’s own terms: At 94, sick, tired and living alone, ‘Dad got the death he wanted’
Denying coverage for terminal illness, insurance offers California mother suicide pills—for $1.20
PLAY 5:57
Washington Times (Bradford Richardson) —
Assisted-suicide law prompts insurance company to deny coverage to terminally ill California woman
Comment by Heine Strømdahl:
First they came up with the perverse idea of killing the weak and terminally ill in the name "the right to die". It has since been expanded to those who suffer mentally - ohh "how merciful" (irony intended). It opens the floodgates of Hell and death, potentially killing a host of people, the victims will mostly be depressed and sick/elderly people, who feel that they they are a burden - nowadays we are so "merciful" and "enlightened" that we come along and offer them a suicide pill so they can escape the depression and the pain, it's the the easy way out. and certainly the easy way out for those of us who aren't sick or depressed but can entertain ourselves in front of our Televisions with TV-shows about those who survived a severe illness - such as the Danish TV2 "Knæk Cancer" - while we sit comfortably down in our chairs and drink our warm coffee ) , As always , such measures hit hardest upon those who are the weakest and cannot speak for themselves. Not long before we begin killing many depressed people in the perverse name of "the right to die". Teenagers and children will also be killed/murdered on that account too, as ALREADY has happened in Holland or Belgium - they opened up for the floodgates of Hell years ago. A poor society, apparently not too much place for those who suffer or those with Down syndrom.. Makes me think of Mother Teresa who went to those who were alone and abandoned, the weakest of the weak, the dirty and most unattractive. May they not be forgotten in the busyness of our 21. century lives. That being said, Many people (in Denmark), religious (professing a faith) or not religious, do already work hard - paid or unpaid - caring for the disabled, sick and weak and homeless, they deserve recognition for that.
Addition: Link added 30-11-2016:
søndag den 30. oktober 2016
lørdag den 29. oktober 2016
torsdag den 27. oktober 2016
tirsdag den 25. oktober 2016
mandag den 24. oktober 2016
søndag den 23. oktober 2016
lørdag den 22. oktober 2016
fredag den 21. oktober 2016
torsdag den 20. oktober 2016
Remarks by the President in Town Hall with YSEALI Initiative Fellows |
Remarks by the President in Town Hall with YSEALI Initiative Fellows |
" President Obama: "Internationally, we’ve reinvigorated diplomacy in a whole variety of ways. People don’t remember -- when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia. And today, once again, the United States is the most respected country on Earth. And part of that, I think, is because of the work that we did to reengage the world and say that we want to work with you as partners with mutual interest and mutual respect."
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte :
" President Obama: "Internationally, we’ve reinvigorated diplomacy in a whole variety of ways. People don’t remember -- when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia. And today, once again, the United States is the most respected country on Earth. And part of that, I think, is because of the work that we did to reengage the world and say that we want to work with you as partners with mutual interest and mutual respect."
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte :
"In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte told Chinese and Philippine business people, to applause, at a forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.
"Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."
Duterte's efforts to engage China, months after a tribunal in the Hague ruled that Beijing did not have historic rights to the South China Sea in a case brought by the previous administration in Manila, marks a reversal in foreign policy since the 71-year-old former mayor took office on June 30.
His trade secretary, Ramon Lopez, said $13.5 billion in deals would be signed during the China trip.
"I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience."
onsdag den 19. oktober 2016
tirsdag den 18. oktober 2016
Asia Bibi's final appeal against blasphemy to be heard in Supreme Court - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Asia Bibi's final appeal against blasphemy to be heard in Supreme Court - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
"LAHORE: The Supreme Court is due to hear the final appeal against the execution of Asia Bibi, accused for blasphemy, on Thursday.
"LAHORE: The Supreme Court is due to hear the final appeal against the execution of Asia Bibi, accused for blasphemy, on Thursday.
Some insist it is not just a fight for one life, but a battle for the nation's soul as the state walks a razor-sharp line between upholding human rights and appeasing populist hardliners.
This will be the final appeal for Asia Bibi, some six years after she was sentenced to death, accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) during an argument with a Muslim woman over a bowl of water.
“There is no question that what is at stake is the very soul of the state and Pakistan society: does Pakistan respect the rights of the most vulnerable? Does it defend those rights against spurious allegations even where those allegations involved matters that are sacred to most Pakistanis?” Mustafa Qadri, an expert on human rights in South Asia, told AFP recently."
Survey Finds High Support For Communism Among Millennials
Survey Finds High Support For Communism Among Millennials
Support for the deadliest political ideology in human history is on the rise among millennials
mandag den 17. oktober 2016
søndag den 16. oktober 2016
WikiLeaks: Podesta lamented that a Muslim, not a white man, named as killer in 2015 massacre | Fox News
WikiLeaks: Podesta lamented that a Muslim, not a white man, named as killer in 2015 massacre | Fox News
" “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.”"
Quote: Clinton campaign chair John Podesta
Top Hillary Clinton aides were upset a Muslim man was publicly named as the shooter in a 2015 massacre that left 14 people dead, and a longtime Clinton confidant even expressed regret that the terrorist wasn’t a white man, according to purported emails released by WikiLeaks on Sunday.
The emails were part of a trove of messages stolen from the gmail account of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who has had a long association with the Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The email chain began on Dec. 2, when digital operative Matt Ortega forwarded a tweet from MSNBC host Christopher Hayes that named one of the shooters in the San Bernardino, Calif., attack as Sayeed Farook. Consultant Karen Finney forwarded the email to Podesta, commenting, “Damn.”
Podesta responded: “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.”
Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, gunned down 14 people and injured 22 in a terror attack during a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2. The attackers pledged their allegiance to ISIS before dying in a shootout with police later in the day.
But Podesta’s written lament of the shooter’s ethnicity underscores a long-running aversion in the Clinton campaign – and many in the Democratic party at large – to associating terrorist acts with any aspect of the Islamic religion.
In a 154-page debate prep book that was developed two months after the San Bernardino attacks, and also unearthed in the WikiLeaks document dump, topic 47 is devoted to “Should we call this Islamic terrorism?” Nowhere in the suggested seven-point answer does “Islamic terrorism” make an appearance. Instead, it’s suggested that Clinton call the enemy “radical jihadists.”" Source: FoxNews.
" “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.”"
Quote: Clinton campaign chair John Podesta
Top Hillary Clinton aides were upset a Muslim man was publicly named as the shooter in a 2015 massacre that left 14 people dead, and a longtime Clinton confidant even expressed regret that the terrorist wasn’t a white man, according to purported emails released by WikiLeaks on Sunday.
The emails were part of a trove of messages stolen from the gmail account of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, who has had a long association with the Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The email chain began on Dec. 2, when digital operative Matt Ortega forwarded a tweet from MSNBC host Christopher Hayes that named one of the shooters in the San Bernardino, Calif., attack as Sayeed Farook. Consultant Karen Finney forwarded the email to Podesta, commenting, “Damn.”
Podesta responded: “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.”
Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, gunned down 14 people and injured 22 in a terror attack during a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center on Dec. 2. The attackers pledged their allegiance to ISIS before dying in a shootout with police later in the day.
But Podesta’s written lament of the shooter’s ethnicity underscores a long-running aversion in the Clinton campaign – and many in the Democratic party at large – to associating terrorist acts with any aspect of the Islamic religion.
In a 154-page debate prep book that was developed two months after the San Bernardino attacks, and also unearthed in the WikiLeaks document dump, topic 47 is devoted to “Should we call this Islamic terrorism?” Nowhere in the suggested seven-point answer does “Islamic terrorism” make an appearance. Instead, it’s suggested that Clinton call the enemy “radical jihadists.”" Source: FoxNews.
The Briefing 10-14-16 -
"It’s Friday, October 14 2016. I’m Albert Mohler and this isThe Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
It seems that just about every day brings a new development and a new scandal in the 2016 American presidential election. Yesterday the scandal was the result of additional emails connected to the Clinton campaign released by the group WikiLeaks. As the Wall Street Journal said in its headline editorial what was represented was,
“Anti-Catholics for Clinton.”
But this is a bigger issue than just Hillary Clinton and her campaign and it’s a bigger issue than just Roman Catholicism or, in this case, anti-Roman Catholicism. What we see here is a bare-knuckled example of the secularist worldview that increasingly affects the American elites and shapes their thinking. And we now have here further documentation of the secular worldview and the hostility to religious conviction that increasingly marks the modern Democratic Party.
The Washington Post moved at least two stories on the controversy yesterday. The first is by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, she wrote,
“The latest batch of documents published by WikiLeaks appears to show Hillary Clinton’s campaign communications director joking with a confidant about Catholics and evangelicals in emails sent to John Podesta, chairman of Clinton’s campaign.”
Now what’s really crucial at this point is understanding that this was not just some supporter of Hillary Clinton, we’re talking about the woman who is the Communications Director of the campaign, and these were emails sent to and responded about by John Podesta, the very Chairman of the Clinton presidential campaign. As Bailey reports, at the center of this controversy is Jennifer Palmieri, who is the campaign Communications Director for the Hillary Clinton campaign. She was also previously head of communications for the liberal think tank The Center for American Progress that, not coincidentally, John Podesta, the campaign chairman of the Clinton campaign, once ran. And the controversy concerns emails Palmieri received from a colleague at that liberal think tank, a man by the name of John Halpin. Halpin wrote,
“Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the [Supreme Court] and think tanks to the media and social groups.”
He went on to accuse the conservative leaders of corrupting the Catholic faith.
“They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”
Now the only way that kind of e-mail makes sense is if it is intended or expected that the writer will be understood by the recipient. And in this case there’s plenty of evidence that that was exactly what should have been assumed, and it appears that Jennifer Palmieri basically agreed with the assessment of John Halpin that what we’re looking at is conservative leaders that are on the one hand influenced by Catholicism and on the other hand influenced by evangelicalism. And what you find when you get to the bottom of the scandal is a sneering and condescending dismissal of conviction in politics and in particular of theological conviction, in the case of this scandal of both Roman Catholic and evangelical conviction. And what’s also known just in what’s already been cited is the dismissal, the rejection, the antipathy towards the historic teachings of the Christian church concerning sexuality and gender. That stands at the very center of what is here so openly hated.
In an interesting twist, Palmieri herself responded that she believes many conservative leaders are Catholic because they think it’s,
“The most socially acceptable politically conservative religion.”
She went on to say,
“Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”
The Post reported that John Podesta was included in that email thread, but did not respond to these specific emails. It is interesting here that Palmieri, the Communications Director for the Clinton campaign, says that many of these conservative political leaders are Roman Catholics because it would be socially embarrassing for them to be evangelical Christians. That demonstrates something of the class consciousness and the open antipathy to evangelical Christianity that permeates so many secular ranks, and in this case is demonstrated by high officials in the Hillary Clinton campaign.
But the scandal continued to expand when additional emails leaked indicated that the Clinton campaign may well have been involved in trying to sponsor and organize groups within Catholicism to bring about moral and theological change. As Bailey reports,
“Another email that was released appears to suggest that Clinton’s campaign set up Catholic groups to organize on issues such as contraception. Sandy Newman, president of Voices for Progress, wrote in a 2011 email to Podesta that there needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church.”
Here you have an email thread eventually connected with the Clinton campaign that demonstrates that the campaign has a theological agenda, a worldview agenda, not merely a political agenda. And about this evangelical Christians should not be generally surprised. But it is interesting to see this kind of frank and candid language used by people about the political situation and of course by people who eventually became central to the Clinton campaign.
Also writing at the Post, Marc A. Thiessen took us back to 2015 and an event known as the Women in the World Summit when Hillary Clinton made what he called,
“A stunning declaration of war on religious Americans.”
You may remember that at that point, the then-former U.S. Secretary of State spoke of what she called,
“Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
Thiessen then writes,
“Religious beliefs have to be changed? This is perhaps the most radical statement against religious liberty ever uttered by someone seeking the presidency. It is also deeply revealing. Clinton believes that, as president, it is her job not to respect the views of religious conservatives but to force them to change their beliefs and bend to her radical agenda favoring taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.”
Thiessen then writes,
“The hostility to people of faith here is simply breathtaking. Apparently when Clinton aides speak in private, their basket of ‘deplorables’ includes faithful Catholics and evangelicals who believe in the sanctity of human life. If they had made such comments about any other group, they would be politically excommunicated.”
Similar analysis of this particular development was clear in the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal yesterday in an article, “Anti-Catholics for Clinton” in which the editors of the Journal wrote,
“It’s no secret that progressive elites despise religion, but it’s still striking to see their contempt expressed so bluntly as in the leaked email chains that include Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.”
As the editors evaluate,
“This is a window into the intolerant secular soul of the Democratic establishment and perhaps explains why it has done so little to accommodate requests for religious liberty from the Little Sisters of the Poor. Team Clinton apparently views religion merely as a justification people adopt for their views on politics and gender.”
Sadly, it is likely that this scandal, an issue central to it, will be soon brushed aside by even new and more scandalous developments, but this is not an issue or a development that thinking Christians should fail to recognize as what it represents. It represents yet another example of the sneering and dismissive condescension of the secular elites. It also, however, demonstrates something more fundamental. And that is the divide between Christian and secular Americans is growing so deep that secularists now see Christianity as a truth claim as something that has to be overcome in the name of human progress, but they also see Christians as driven by a worldview they find not only beyond their understanding, but outright reprehensible.
Now this development at the end of the week makes even more important an insight that appeared in an article published in recent days at the New York Times written by Molly Worthen. The title of this article, “What’s God got to do with it?” And it too is in its own way about the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. But it is taking a very different tact. In this case Molly Worthen, a veteran observer and scholar of American religion, is writing about the fact that the Democratic left is increasingly divided between an older leadership that has some ties to historic Christianity and a new, invigorated, far more secular leadership. She looks at this, for example, in the distinction between the historic leadership of the Civil Rights movement deeply indebted to and grounded in Christianity and the Black Lives Matter movement that is explicitly secular and often absolutely dismissive even of the Christianity of the Civil Rights leaders of the past.
Worthen says that this just might explain why Hillary Clinton has been unable to use theological or religious arguments even coming from the left as a way of uniting her party. It’s because so much of her party has actually departed any identification with Christianity at all. Keep the scandal that developed just yesterday in mind as you read Molly Worthen writing days before when she says that the clash in the Democratic Party,
“…goes deeper than policy or strategy. It is a theological rift: Is religion founded in submission to unchanging principles or is it a protean revolutionary force, a tool of self-empowerment?”
Now before moving even an inch from that statement we need to pause and understand that what Molly Worthen is writing about in the New York Times is what we daily talk about, and that is the fact that worldview is essential to our understanding of everything and, in this case, it is two divergent worldviews, not just between the two political parties, but in this case within the Democratic Party, that should have our attention. Molly Worthen is noticing that there is a decided shift, perhaps even a generational shift, in the Democratic Party towards a far more secular worldview, one that really isn’t influenced at all by historic Christianity, but rather they see religion as a political force and perhaps as a matter of mere self-expression.
In the most interesting section of Molly Worthen’s article, she makes very clear that in the divergent worldviews within the Democratic Party, it comes down to a basic theological distinction—it is a distinction between the older leadership that is rather committed to a theological liberalism and a younger or newer leadership that isn’t committed to any theological worldview at all, or that measures every theological question by its political result. Writing about the Democratic activists she says,
“To many activists then and now, the test of theology is not Scripture, church tradition or scholarly consensus, but whether it empowers the oppressed. If it does, then it is true.”
In the end what this tells us is that the Democratic Party is trending in an even more secular direction and that secular direction might come with some kind of theology. But it is going to be a theology that is entirely rooted in political argument, not in Scripture, not in the tradition of the Christian church. That’s a very important insight, and that insight appeared in the New York Times days before the scandal broke concerning the emails within the Hillary Clinton campaign. For thoughtful Christians trying to think about this in terms of Christian biblical worldview analysis, perhaps the most important issue is the warning that all of this represents about the challenges we are likely soon to face. There is a hostility in these communications, a hostility to biblical traditional Christianity that simply cannot be ignored."
Source: Albert Mohler
lørdag den 15. oktober 2016
WikiLeaks hacked emails reveal more about Clinton's once-private Wall Street speeches | Fox News
WikiLeaks hacked emails reveal more about Clinton's once-private Wall Street speeches | Fox News
"The emails are thought to have been hacked by Russians and released in an attempt to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 General Election between Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."
"The emails are thought to have been hacked by Russians and released in an attempt to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 General Election between Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump."
fredag den 14. oktober 2016
Southern California ER doctor also member of SWAT team | Fox News
Southern California ER doctor also member of SWAT team | Fox News
"Dr. Michael Neeki, armed with an AR-15, is one of only a handful of doctors across the country who also serves as a full time, certified volunteer on his local SWAT team.
“Who would have guessed a terror attack would happen in our neighborhood? We didn't. It was quite a surprise,” Neeki, the Director of Tactical Medicine at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, California, said.
Back in December, Neeki, who is originally from Iran and a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, was on shift in the emergency room when two terrorists struck in nearby San Bernardino, killing 14 and injuring 21. That's when the members of the Inland Valley SWAT team sprang to action.
After finding a doctor to fill his shift, Neeki geared up with lifesaving medication and equipment and then..." Source: FoxNews
"Dr. Michael Neeki, armed with an AR-15, is one of only a handful of doctors across the country who also serves as a full time, certified volunteer on his local SWAT team.
“Who would have guessed a terror attack would happen in our neighborhood? We didn't. It was quite a surprise,” Neeki, the Director of Tactical Medicine at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, California, said.
Back in December, Neeki, who is originally from Iran and a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, was on shift in the emergency room when two terrorists struck in nearby San Bernardino, killing 14 and injuring 21. That's when the members of the Inland Valley SWAT team sprang to action.
After finding a doctor to fill his shift, Neeki geared up with lifesaving medication and equipment and then..." Source: FoxNews
Colonel Hossam Alawak leaves the FSA and joins the SDF In a press statement, Colonel Hossam Alawak announced that he left the FSA and joined the SDF.
ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê
Colonel Hossam Alawak leaves the FSA and joins the SDF
In a press statement, Colonel Hossam Alawak announced that he left the FSA and joined the SDF."
torsdag den 13. oktober 2016
Hoppeborgs-firma leverer kampfly og millitærkøretøjer til det russiske militær - International
"det russiske forsvar har investeret i oppustelige våben, som skal fjerne fokus fra rigtige våben i en krigssituation.
Hoppeborgs-firma leverer kampfly og millitærkøretøjer til det russiske militær - International
De oppustelige køretøjer og kampfly fremstår virkelige på afstande helt ned til 300 meter, og de kan poppe op og forsvinde i løbet af få minutter. Det gør det muligt at placere de kunstige køretøjer og kampfly i strategiske positioner for at narre fjenden til at rette deres ammunition mod de oppustelige våben frem for mod de virkelige............. Rusbal har siden 2010 haft 80 medarbejdere ansat til at lave oppustelige våben til den russiske hær. Tidligere har hæren også benyttet sig af kunstige køretøjer lavet af gummi, og som også skulle pustes op af luft.
De nye oppustelige våben er dog væsentligt lettere end dem af gummi, og så sikrer en konstant oppustning, som man kender det fra hoppeborge, at det oppustelige våben ikke falder sammen på trods af et hul i overfladen. Gummivåbnene faldt derimod sammen som en utæt luftmadras, hvis de blev ramt af et projektil.
Rusbal's direktør, Aleksei A. Komarov forstår godt, hvorfor den moderne krigsteknologi skal suppleres af taktiske redskaber som de oppustelige.
»Hvis man studerer de store historiske slag, så vil man opdage, at det er de smarte, der vinder hver gang. Ingen vinder på ærlig vis,« siger Aleksei A. Komarov, der oprindeligt stiftede Rusbal i 1993 for at lave luftballoner og senere hen hoppeborge og altså oppustelige efterligninger af klassiske russiske kampfly, tanks og missilkøretøjer."
Kilde: Jyllands-Posten:Hoppeborgs-firma leverer kampfly og millitærkøretøjer til det russiske militær - International
onsdag den 12. oktober 2016
mandag den 10. oktober 2016
søndag den 9. oktober 2016
lørdag den 8. oktober 2016
Clinton called for 'open trade and open borders' in private, paid speeches | Fox News
Clinton called for 'open trade and open borders' in private, paid speeches | Fox News
"Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade and open borders" and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the U.S. financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked Friday.
"Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade and open borders" and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the U.S. financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked Friday.
onsdag den 5. oktober 2016
mandag den 3. oktober 2016
Ny rapport: Nice-terroristen var besat af vold og porno – Ekstra Bladet
Ny rapport: Nice-terroristen var besat af vold og porno – Ekstra Bladet
"Voldelig porno
Udover de mange afhøringer af bekendte til Nice-terroristen, er der foretaget en gennemgang af hans mobiltelefon. Undersøgelsen afslører, at Bouhlel var besat af voldelig pornografi, hvilket også er blevet bekræftet af hans bror."
"Voldelig porno
Udover de mange afhøringer af bekendte til Nice-terroristen, er der foretaget en gennemgang af hans mobiltelefon. Undersøgelsen afslører, at Bouhlel var besat af voldelig pornografi, hvilket også er blevet bekræftet af hans bror."
søndag den 2. oktober 2016
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