Linking doesn't constitute endorsement. I may share (some) of the same beliefs and wievpoints presented in a link, but generally speaking I have chosen to link to articles I find relevant to issues that I focus on -whether I agree with the author or not.
- Der-er-ingen-tid-at-spilde.-Danmark-og-Europa-må-s...
- somalisk-familie-og-lokalsamfund-i-oproer-over-udv...
- dashcam- illinois-police-officer- nearly killed by...
- The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Vi...
- Brazil-breaks-47-year-old-cold-temperature-record
- "Science as a source of unquestionable authority ...
- Wind turbines are killing birds and bats.
- The-Climate-Surprise-CO2C.pdf
- Global warming belief - based entirely on superst...
Most read posts
søndag den 30. december 2018
Der-er-ingen-tid-at-spilde.-Danmark-og-Europa-må-se-sandheden-om-forsvaret-i øjnene
lørdag den 29. december 2018
fredag den 28. december 2018
fredag den 21. december 2018
The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi.
The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi.
Meget interessant
læsning om berømte pigekor, som bestod af forældreløse eller efterladte piger
og hvis optræden (performances) fascinerede folk dybt, i 1300- og 1400-tallets
Italien. Vivaldi, den berømte komponist, arbejdede med disse pigekor, han var i
øvrigt åbenbart også præst - nyt for mig. "CHAPTER 1: The
Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi ..... In 1743,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau visited the Ospedale dei Mendicanti, a hospice in Venice,
to hear its all-girl choir perform a concert. He described the music as “far
superior to that of the opera, and which has not its like, either in Italy or
the rest of the world.”1 What he heard was an anomaly, distinctive to
seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italy. Except for the occasional opera
star, European society ordinarily looked down upon women performing music
publicly. Nevertheless, the Mendicanti and other Venetian hospices, henceforth
ospedali, grew into grand conservatories and taught music to displaced and
orphaned girls. Visitors from around the continent came to the ospedali to hear
performances containing virtuosic solos, complex musical techniques, and rich
expressive devices".
Min videredeling af
dette grundige og frit tilgængelige akademiske arbejde betyder ikke at jeg anbefaler
eller deler synspunkt med alt det, der står i det.
onsdag den 12. december 2018
tirsdag den 11. december 2018
"Science as a source of unquestionable authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry"
MIT Prof: Dick Lindzen Quote:
" As usual, political figures improperly associate science as a source of unquestionable
authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry."
To read it in proper context:
" As usual, political figures improperly associate science as a source of unquestionable
authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry."
To read it in proper context:
lørdag den 8. december 2018
Wind turbines are killing birds and bats.
"The ornithologist Klaus Richarz was commissioned by the German Wildlife Foundation∗ to examine the effect of wind power in forest habitats. For 22 years, Richarz
headed a Bird Protection Observatory covering three German states. His study proves
that we have an urgent problem. The rotor blades of a wind turbine have a radius as
long as a football field and rotate at 300 km/h. Against these huge propeller walls,
red kites and other birds don’t stand a chance. The rotor blades hit large birds, such
as storks, raptors and ducks, particularly often. ‘Birds of prey’, says Professor Oliver
Krüger, ‘are relatively rare, need large areas, but collide disproportionately often.’ The
problem is getting accurate numbers, since foxes, rats, wild boars and other scavengers remove the bird corpses at night. However, it is estimated that 12,000 birds of
prey are killed by wind farms every year. For the number of all birds killed by the German wind industry there is an extrapolation from Hermann Hötker, an ornithologist
at German Foundation for Nature Conservation.† He estimates that each turbine kills
between one and five birds per year, meaning between 28,000 and 140,000 fatalities
in total.
Wind power lobbyists say the numbers are small compared to the millions of birds
that collide with windows, cars, power lines and other obstacles. But this is a fallacy,
because the argument ignores which species are affected. If ten city pigeons fly into
windows or cars, it has no effect on the population of pigeons. But when a breeding.... " Source: GWPF, The Global Warming Policy Foundation:
fredag den 7. december 2018
tirsdag den 4. december 2018
Global warming belief - based entirely on superstition
"The belief that heatwaves, drought, fires and hurricanes are increasing - is based entirely on superstition. Data shows the exact opposite."
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