Linking doesn't constitute endorsement. I may share (some) of the same beliefs and wievpoints presented in a link, but generally speaking I have chosen to link to articles I find relevant to issues that I focus on -whether I agree with the author or not.
- Der-er-ingen-tid-at-spilde.-Danmark-og-Europa-må-s...
- somalisk-familie-og-lokalsamfund-i-oproer-over-udv...
- dashcam- illinois-police-officer- nearly killed by...
- The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Vi...
- Brazil-breaks-47-year-old-cold-temperature-record
- "Science as a source of unquestionable authority ...
- Wind turbines are killing birds and bats.
- The-Climate-Surprise-CO2C.pdf
- Global warming belief - based entirely on superst...
- Snow- tember in Alberta - Canada. Record snowfall
- uk-news/uk-weather-snow-way-temperatures- Sep. 2018
- how-politics-clouds-the-climate-change-debate-
- Cape-town-dams-two-thirds-full-after-heavy-rain/
- scientists-find-great-white-shark-lair-in-pacific-...
- Unbrokenfilm - movie - Louis Zamperini
- #MeToo-bevægelsen legitimerer sexismeanklager
- An A380 Airbus takes-off or lands every 2 minutes.
- Records-cop-accused-in-australians-death-cant-take...
- den-globale-opvarmning-er-en-eksistentiel-trussel-...
- april-cold-usa-coldest-april-more-than-20-years/
- texas-officer-begs-bystanders-get-cell-phones-help...
- new-air-force-b-2-earth-penetrating-nuclear-weapon...
- ohio-couples-empty-nest-photos-go-viral
- Website about prime numbers and theorems about them
- summer-reading-list-2018/
- " "Let's do like Eisenhower. Get some federal troo...
- NoTricksZone: "Not here to worship what is known, ...
- A Diverging Path
- Pastor Slammed After Meeting With Trump: America's...
- Dershowitz: I Wouldn't Have Campaigned for Obama I...
- Hakim ikinci kez Demirtaş karşısına çıktı.... - Sa...
- Prestige Weapons Systems are Busting the Pentagon'...
- '12 Strong' Green Beret said being played by 'Thor...
- Why Sarah Sanders may be the Greatest Female Role ...
- Mette Abildgaard efter chikane og trusler: »Hvad s...
- Graham on DACA - Press Releases - United States Se...
- Samuel Rodriguez Praises Trump, Legislators for Ma...
- Metal i metal-genbrugs-containeren. Fast rutine.
- Gang of youth attacks cops near Paris; video of as...
- Deux policiers blessés agressés la nuit du réveill...
- Creation | Creation Ministries International
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Et råb om frihed: Da Safia Taleb Al Souhail og andre irakiske kvinder bad den engelske Premierminister Tony Blair og verden om hjælp til b...
Not entirely correct – factual error in BBC report about Turkish air strikes against PKK bases. Subject: Error today in
Medielicensen: upopulær, ulovlig og unødvendig ? Det nuværende system med tvungen licens for alle, der har et licensforpligtet apparat, e...
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NEJ tak til den nye offentlighedslov -
søndag den 30. december 2018
Der-er-ingen-tid-at-spilde.-Danmark-og-Europa-må-se-sandheden-om-forsvaret-i øjnene
lørdag den 29. december 2018
fredag den 28. december 2018
fredag den 21. december 2018
The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi.
The Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi.
Meget interessant
læsning om berømte pigekor, som bestod af forældreløse eller efterladte piger
og hvis optræden (performances) fascinerede folk dybt, i 1300- og 1400-tallets
Italien. Vivaldi, den berømte komponist, arbejdede med disse pigekor, han var i
øvrigt åbenbart også præst - nyt for mig. "CHAPTER 1: The
Ospedali Grandi: How Abandoned Girls Became Virtuosi ..... In 1743,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau visited the Ospedale dei Mendicanti, a hospice in Venice,
to hear its all-girl choir perform a concert. He described the music as “far
superior to that of the opera, and which has not its like, either in Italy or
the rest of the world.”1 What he heard was an anomaly, distinctive to
seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italy. Except for the occasional opera
star, European society ordinarily looked down upon women performing music
publicly. Nevertheless, the Mendicanti and other Venetian hospices, henceforth
ospedali, grew into grand conservatories and taught music to displaced and
orphaned girls. Visitors from around the continent came to the ospedali to hear
performances containing virtuosic solos, complex musical techniques, and rich
expressive devices".
Min videredeling af
dette grundige og frit tilgængelige akademiske arbejde betyder ikke at jeg anbefaler
eller deler synspunkt med alt det, der står i det.
onsdag den 12. december 2018
tirsdag den 11. december 2018
"Science as a source of unquestionable authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry"
MIT Prof: Dick Lindzen Quote:
" As usual, political figures improperly associate science as a source of unquestionable
authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry."
To read it in proper context:
" As usual, political figures improperly associate science as a source of unquestionable
authority rather than a successful mode of inquiry."
To read it in proper context:
lørdag den 8. december 2018
Wind turbines are killing birds and bats.
"The ornithologist Klaus Richarz was commissioned by the German Wildlife Foundation∗ to examine the effect of wind power in forest habitats. For 22 years, Richarz
headed a Bird Protection Observatory covering three German states. His study proves
that we have an urgent problem. The rotor blades of a wind turbine have a radius as
long as a football field and rotate at 300 km/h. Against these huge propeller walls,
red kites and other birds don’t stand a chance. The rotor blades hit large birds, such
as storks, raptors and ducks, particularly often. ‘Birds of prey’, says Professor Oliver
Krüger, ‘are relatively rare, need large areas, but collide disproportionately often.’ The
problem is getting accurate numbers, since foxes, rats, wild boars and other scavengers remove the bird corpses at night. However, it is estimated that 12,000 birds of
prey are killed by wind farms every year. For the number of all birds killed by the German wind industry there is an extrapolation from Hermann Hötker, an ornithologist
at German Foundation for Nature Conservation.† He estimates that each turbine kills
between one and five birds per year, meaning between 28,000 and 140,000 fatalities
in total.
Wind power lobbyists say the numbers are small compared to the millions of birds
that collide with windows, cars, power lines and other obstacles. But this is a fallacy,
because the argument ignores which species are affected. If ten city pigeons fly into
windows or cars, it has no effect on the population of pigeons. But when a breeding.... " Source: GWPF, The Global Warming Policy Foundation:
fredag den 7. december 2018
tirsdag den 4. december 2018
Global warming belief - based entirely on superstition
"The belief that heatwaves, drought, fires and hurricanes are increasing - is based entirely on superstition. Data shows the exact opposite."
lørdag den 24. november 2018
fredag den 23. november 2018
onsdag den 21. november 2018
lørdag den 27. oktober 2018
mandag den 22. oktober 2018
lørdag den 20. oktober 2018
onsdag den 10. oktober 2018
mandag den 1. oktober 2018
"Temperatures in many eastern regions of the UK dropped to -2C Saturday morning, making it the coldest September night for 32 years.
"Temperatures in many eastern regions of the UK dropped to -2C Saturday morning, making it the coldest September night for 32 years.
Brooms Barn, Cambridge NIAB, Monks Wood, Wittering, Weybourne and Woburn all recorded their coldest September night since 1986 — the solar minimum after cycle 21. "
Source: Link above.
søndag den 30. september 2018
lørdag den 29. september 2018
onsdag den 26. september 2018
søndag den 23. september 2018
fredag den 21. september 2018
tirsdag den 18. september 2018
mandag den 10. september 2018
Unbrokenfilm - movie - Louis Zamperini
#MeToo-bevægelsen legitimerer sexismeanklager
"I nyhederne her til morgen beskyldte tennisstjernen Serena Williams finaledommeren for sexisme efter nederlag. Hun bør undskylde for skrækkelig opførsel. Og så bør vi generelt se på, om vi er på afveje i ligestillingens hellige navn.
"I nyhederne her til morgen beskyldte tennisstjernen Serena Williams finaledommeren for sexisme efter nederlag. Hun bør undskylde for skrækkelig opførsel. Og så bør vi generelt se på, om vi er på afveje i ligestillingens hellige navn.
Er ligestillingsprincipperne blevet til ulighed til fordel for kvinderne?"
søndag den 9. september 2018
An A380 Airbus takes-off or lands every 2 minutes.
Today the A380 fleet makes over 300 flights per day,
An A380 takes-off or lands every 2 minutes.
An A380 takes-off or lands every 2 minutes.
fredag den 7. september 2018
mandag den 3. september 2018
søndag den 2. september 2018
mandag den 27. august 2018
lørdag den 25. august 2018
torsdag den 23. august 2018
torsdag den 16. august 2018
onsdag den 15. august 2018
mandag den 13. august 2018
fredag den 10. august 2018
" "Let's do like Eisenhower. Get some federal troops in here".
" "Let's do like Eisenhower. Get some federal troops in here and make [things] better for all Chicagoans," Livingston said, referring to how President Ike Eisenhower federalized the National Guard in 1954 to protect black students in Little Rock, Ark.
The governor at the time, Democrat Orval Faubus, had called in his own National Guard to preserve the segregated nature of Little Rock Central High School by turning away black students, spurring Eisenhower to act." ...
A Chicago preacher whose neighborhood has been wracked by deadly violence for months said he would accept any help from President Trump on the matter, even if it involved the National Guard.The Rev. Gregory Livingston, of New Hope Baptist Church, said Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) has "blood on his hands," and is allegedly "sitting on" millions of dollars in Department of Housing and Urban Development funds that could be helping the affected neighborhoods.
"Rahm's words do nothing for that family," Livingston said of a mother of a 17-year-old shot and killed over the weekend amid the violence.
"They need to move, they've had plenty of chances," he said of the city government, adding that Emanuel didn't start the corruption in this regard, but should be doing more to end it."
tirsdag den 7. august 2018
mandag den 6. august 2018
lørdag den 4. august 2018
Pastor Slammed After Meeting With Trump: America's Cultural Climate Is in a 'Petty and Low Place'
Pastor Slammed After Meeting With Trump: America's Cultural Climate Is in a 'Petty and Low Place'
Pastor Slammed After Meeting With Trump: America's Cultural Climate Is in a 'Petty and Low Place'
tirsdag den 31. juli 2018
lørdag den 28. juli 2018
Rolls-Royce is developing tiny 'cockroach' robots
Rolls-Royce is developing tiny 'cockroach' robots to crawl in and fix airplane engines
- The U.K. engineer said the miniature technology can improve the way maintenance is carried out by speeding up inspections and eliminating the need to remove an engine from an aircraft for repair work to take place.
- To explore the concept, the Rolls-Royce has teamed up with robotics experts at Harvard University in the U.S. and the University of Nottingham in England."
Source: CNBC
fredag den 27. juli 2018
torsdag den 26. juli 2018
onsdag den 18. juli 2018
tirsdag den 10. juli 2018
"Shepherd mærkede på sin krop, at ytringsfrihed ikke længere er en hjertesag for venstrefløjen. D. 30. marts 2018 lagde hun en video på Youtube med titlen ”Goodbye to the Left” (Farvel til venstrefløjen), hvor hun bl.a. siger:
»Venstrefløjen tror ikke på personlig ansvarlighed. De er fuldkommen intolerante over for tankediversitet. Intolerante! De er humorforladte. De vil gøre samfundet kedeligt. Og de vil lave det sådan, så man ikke engang kan fortælle en vittighed. Hvis du ikke er 100 pct. på deres side, vil de bagvaske dig nådesløst (…) Det, jeg gerne vil sige, er, at jeg på ingen måde ønsker at blive forbundet med det, som venstrefløjen har udviklet sig til. Jeg er ikke længere medlem af venstrefløjen. Jeg vil ikke kalde mig venstreorienteret. Gør det mig højreorienteret? Gør det mig til midtsøgende? Jeg ved det ikke. Det må I afgøre. Det eneste, jeg ved, er, at jeg vil ikke have noget som helst at gøre med denne her ulækre venstrefløjskultur. Nogle gange bliver jeg brugt som eksempel på en venstreorienteret, som går ind for ytringsfrihed. Jeg vil bare gøre det helt klart: Jeg passer ikke længere på den beskrivelse. Tak.«
Lindsay Shepherd er det hidtil tydeligste eksempel på, at det er sandt, når mange i dag siger, at venstrefløjen er sin egen værste fjende. Det er Rambukkana og hans ligesindede, snarere end det er folk som Peterson, der er skyld i, at mange tænkende unge mennesker søger mod højre."
torsdag den 28. juni 2018
onsdag den 20. juni 2018
lørdag den 16. juni 2018
Theranos= IT Factory?
Theranos= IT Factory? ,
Theranos= IT Factory? ,
fredag den 1. juni 2018
What I Learned at Christ at the Checkpoint
Michael Brown: "But I do not want to end here on the negative. At an opening dinner for the speakers, we were given a minute to introduce ourselves. I explained that I’d been invited as a dissenting voice and that I came with an open heart, an open mind, and an open mouth.
Hopefully, I spoke what was appropriate, truthful and fair. That’s for others to judge. But I do know that I listened carefully, praying often for God to show me my blind spots and help me to better understand. I also urged those I spoke with, especially the young Palestinians, to speak to me plainly without fear of offending me.
God is my witness that I have not dismissed their concerns.
Speaking in human terms, the situation is nearly hopeless. The good news is that what is impossible with man is possible with God.
To be sure, I learned nothing really new. I am familiar with the many complaints that come regularly against Israel. In fact, Israel’s harshest, most vociferous critics are often Israelis themselves.
But it’s always powerful to look into someone’s eyes and hear their own words as they talk about what they’ve experienced in their lives. (Some of their stories were tragic and quite moving.)
Anything is Possible With God
Naturally, with any situation, there are two sides to the story. In this case the Israeli side and the Palestinian side. I never assume that Israel is guiltless. I’m sure there are many things my people can do better — in some cases much better.
So, while I will continue to challenge my new Palestinian Christian friends on several fronts — theological and practical and political — I will do my best to challenge the leadership of Israel to treat their Palestinian neighbors with dignity, equality and respect. And that applies especially to Palestinian Christians, a tiny minority within a Muslim majority that itself has limited autonomy.
Speaking in human terms, the situation is nearly hopeless. The good news is that what is impossible with man is possible with God." Source:
lørdag den 26. maj 2018
Eu states, Turkey complicit in crimes against humanity in Syria: YPJ spokesperson
Middle East
European states, Turkey are complicit in crimes against humanity in Syria: YPJ spokesperson
"If the Turkish state claims that Afrin is a threat to its national security, it should prove that its borders with the protection units [YPG or YPJ] have witnessed any violations,” she said.
SEAL who shot bin Laden: Don't wish me a happy Memorial Day
SEAL who shot bin Laden: Don't wish me a happy Memorial Day
"Don’t wish me a happy Memorial Day. There is nothing happy about the loss of the brave men and women of our armed forces who died in combat defending America. Memorial Day is not a celebration.
Memorial Day is a time for reflection, pause, remembrance and thanksgiving for patriots who gave up their own lives to protect the lives and freedom of us all – including the freedom of generations long gone and generations yet unborn. We owe the fallen a debt so enormous that it can never be repaid.
Memorial Day is a time to honor the lives of those who would rather die than take a knee when our national anthem is played. But they will fight and die for the rights of those who kneel.
This holiday is a time to think of young lives cut short, of wives and husbands turned into widows and widowers, of children growing up without a father or mother, of parents burying their children.Memorial Day is a time to think of might have beens that never were. Of brave Americans who put their country before themselves. Without these heroes, America would not be America."
Greece upgrades F-16s to F-16 Viper
mandag den 21. maj 2018
søndag den 20. maj 2018
Questions of morality, truth, and spycraft raised as Haspel is confirmed as CIA director
Questions of morality, truth, and spycraft raised as Haspel is confirmed as CIA director.
Albert Mohler . The briefing.
Albert Mohler . The briefing.
lørdag den 5. maj 2018
Ulveformand søges.
Ulveformand trækker sig!
Ulveformand søges.
Foreningen Ulvefrit Danmark søger ny Ulveformand eftersom det har vist sig, at
den tidligere formand var en ulv klædt i fåreklæder.
Ansøgere skal have jagterfaring og gerne være forstkandidat eller have en kandidatgrad
i biologi. Du skal være velformuleret, brænde for sagen og utrætteligt sprede
budskabet ”Ulven kommer”. Du skal kunne tåle at leve med jævnlige dødstrusler
når folk bliver rasende på grund af ”ulvedrab”. Der skal vedlægges en gentest,
som beviser, at ansøgeren ikke bærer på skjulte ulvegener. Løn: Fårekød ad
libitum leveret af Landsforeningen for Dansk Fåreavl.
Heine Strømdahl, maj 2018.
lørdag den 28. april 2018
lørdag den 14. april 2018
torsdag den 22. marts 2018
torsdag den 15. marts 2018
Bridge- collapses- in - Florida
lørdag den 24. februar 2018
torsdag den 22. februar 2018
A tribute to Billy Graham
lørdag den 17. februar 2018
tirsdag den 6. februar 2018
lørdag den 3. februar 2018
lørdag den 27. januar 2018
fredag den 26. januar 2018
onsdag den 24. januar 2018
lørdag den 20. januar 2018
mandag den 15. januar 2018
fredag den 12. januar 2018
onsdag den 10. januar 2018
tirsdag den 2. januar 2018
mandag den 1. januar 2018
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