SDF operationer

SDF operationer
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torsdag den 24. december 2015

it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave;

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

"In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once."

The Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America, Bind 1 Af United States. Dept. of State

fredag den 11. december 2015

Mean Religious Kids?

Mean Religious Kids?

"Another problem, Woodberry says, is that the researchers failed to “interpret the religious children’s concern for people who were pushed or hurt by another child as a sign of altruism.” Instead, they interpreted it as “vindictiveness.” Doesn’t that tell us more about the authors of the study than the children? A third problem is that media reports largely gloss over the actual beliefs attributed to the kids. Here’s the breakdown: Muslim children (43 percent), Christians (24 percent), non-religious (28 percent). Why didn’t the media emphasize that?...

There are other problems, but allow me to point out just one more. This heavily hyped research contradicts many, many other studies that show precisely the opposite. For example, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports, “The more important religion is to a person, the more likely that person is to give to a charity.” Woodberry says numerous studies show a “positive relationship between religion and helping behavior both at the societal level and the individual level.”

We’ve seen this throughout history, in everything from Christians in the Roman Empire caring for plague victims to William Wilberforce shutting down the British slave trade. Of course, we can never rest on our laurels. And religious children are still, well, children. Little sinners, just like their non-religious friends.

But this instance is yet another example that when it comes to the headlines, you cannot believe everything you read!"

tirsdag den 8. december 2015

Irettesætte Tyrkiets regering offentligt og stå sammen med HDP og kurderne.

Irettesætte Tyrkiets regering offentligt og stå sammen med HDP og kurderne.

Kære Statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.
Kære Folketingsmedlemmer, Udenrigsminister Kristian Jensen, udenrigsordførere og medlemmer af Det Udenrigspolitiske nævn:
Mette Gjerskov, Yildiz Akdogan, Jakob Elleman-Jensen, Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen,
Zenia Stampe, Ellen Trane Nørbye, Pia Adelsteen, Søren Espersen, Orla Hav, Søren Pind, Morten Bødskov, Holger K Nielsen, Nikolaj Villumsen, Karsten Lauritzen, Naser Khader, Martin Lidegaard, Michael Aastrup Jensen og Mette Bock.

Tak for en god valgkamp og Deres vedholdende og hårde arbejde i landets tjeneste.
Tidligere i år stod jeg ved en tavle og underviste en gruppe 10. klasses elever i matematik. En af eleverne hed Dilan, Dilan var kurder, fandt jeg ud af lidt henne i forløbet. Dilan var livfuld, energisk og ofte glad, dog kneb det lidt med at kanalisere energien ind i et koncentreret matematisk fokus.

For to dage siden blev Dilan skudt og dræbt i Istanbul af Tyrkisk politi. 

Dilan Kortak
During police raid in Sancaktepe of İstanbul a 20-year-old woman named Dilan Kortak was killed. Despite claims of noises of an armed fight, inhabitants affirm they have not heard gun fire.”

Dilan Kortak(20) was executed last night by police in Sancaktepe/Istanbul. Although there is no conflict trail, it was editorialized as 'clash in the cell house' in the press. But the revealed witnesses are shown that there was not a clash and she was executed by police. 4 women, 3 in Istanbul, have been executed with the same methods in last four months.i

Ovenstående skal præciseres: Dilan, som jeg lærte at kende i min klasse, deler fornavn med Dilan Kortak, men det er ikke samme person.
Omkring 20 minutters cykling fra min bopæl ligger den tyrkiske ambassade. Jeg overvejer at køre forbi en af de næste dage og lægge en blomst.
Hvornår rejser en eller flere vestlige topledere sig mon og irettesætter den tyrkiske regering tydeligt og offentligt for de modbydelige forbrydelser, som tyrkisk militær og politi begår mod det kurdiske mindretal i Tyrkiet? (Disse forbrydelser kan bestemt ikke undskyldes med eller bortforklares som en krig mod terror, dertil er der alt alt for mange vidneudsagn, som peger i en helt anden retning. Læs eksempelvis uddraget af en observationsrapport fra Cizre i sektionen med Appendix – nederst.) Hvornår rejser en eller flere vestlige topledere sig mon og irettesætter den tyrkiske regering tydeligt og offentligt for den indirekte krig mod Rojava-regionen og visse kurdisk-beskyttede områder i Aleppo, som Tyrkiet blandt andet har ført og fører igennem deres ”proxy” Al-Nusra? For ikke at nævne den transit-zone, som IS har haft i Tyrkiet....
Tavsheden er skuffende og besynderlig, den efterlader efterhånden millioner af mennesker i Europa og Mellemøsten med det indtryk at vestlige ledere er så svage at de ikke tør røre ”Det kurdiske spørgsmål”.
Man bøjer sig ydmygt i tavshed foran Sultanen og har kun øje for kortsigtede politiske løsninger på flygtningekrisen og kortsigtede økonomiske interesser. Det er kun et indtryk, men sådan er det. Ak.
EU gør det ikke bedre, tværtimod virker det som om EU-landene er bøjet mod hinanden eller viklet ind i hinanden på en måde, som hindrer en klar position i denne sag.
Der ligger et ikke-ubetydeligt mentalt pres på herboende danske kurdere, som på afstand kan se deres folk og deres venner og familier og bekendte leve – og dø – under disse farlige omstændigheder. Det er ikke svært at forstå, at nogen af dem vil ned og kæmpe i YPG/YPJs rækker. Eller med Peshmerga i Irak. Men endnu værre er det visse steder i Tyrkiet og Syrien.
Hør hvordan dette pres mod kurderne ifølge førnævnte rapport lader til at drive kurdiske børn hen imod det utænkelige. At blive selvmordsbombere:
I will explain about a kid who came 2 days ago. Kid was 6-7 years old. When he was brought
to the emergency room, he was screaming and trying to scratch his eye out. He was
constantly screaming around as “I will kill myself.”
This morning a kid came with his cousins around the same age. All were 10 years old. They
were also screaming like that. “We are gonna kill ourselves. We are gonna explode
ourselves!” It shows how the psychologies of these kids are affected. 7 years old, 10 years old
children screaming as “I will explode myself”… From now on there is nothing to do.

HDPs leder Selahattin Demirtaş (med det sorte hår) i forbindelse med begravelsen af den myrdedeii advokat og menneskerettighedsforkæmper Tahir Elci for knap en uge siden:

#Demirtaş: They are not giving us the right to speak the truth in our own home. Reality is painful, but someone must voice it up. We did not want blood, we did not want death, we just wanted to live in freedom. #TahirElci
#Demirtaş: TahirElçi knew it, he knew he was not going to die in his bed. Isn’t it the same for all of us? ... In Ankara there is an authority & mentality that is indifferent to this pain. How can we say they are our state, our authority?

"We are trying to push both PKK and the Turkish state to end this armed conflict. It should be known that it is the AKP who is insisting on war politics and implementing anti- democratic practices all over the country.
In spite of these adverse developments, we call on all international communities, civil society organizations and the international media for solidarity and support to bring about an immediate cease-fire and the commencement of peace talks. Our call is also one for urgent action against increasing state violence, the violation of human rights and anti-democratic practices and measures ins Kurdish cities as well as the cities in the western regions of the country. We now need the support of the international public more than ever in order to achieve the realization of a lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey and Kurdistan. In this context we invite all of our friends, political parties, associations, networks, civil society organizations and all peace-loving forces to act in solidarity with us. We call on all democratic international institutions and forces to take concrete steps against the Turkish state’s violent, anti-democratic actions against its own people and citizens.”
Foreign Affairs Commission of HDP
10 September 2015      

Den 23. december 1981 holdt Præsident Ronald Reagan en tale til det amerikanske folk fra det Ovale værelse i Det Hvide Hus. i
Solidaritetsbevægelsen i Polen var i disse dage hårdt presset af de kommunistiske håndlangere i Polen. Reagan sagde blandt andet:

Mens jeg taler til jer i aften, så hænger skæbnen for en gammel og stolt nation i en tynd tråd. I tusind år har julen været fejret i Polen, et land med en dyb religiøs tro, men denne jul giver sparsom glæde til det modige polske folk. Det er blevet forrådt af sin egen regering.
De mænd, som hersker over dem, og deres totalitære allierede frygter selve den frihed, som det polske folk værdsætter. De har besvaret den spirende friheds-bevægelse med brutal magt, drab, massearrestationer og opbygning af koncentrationslejre. Lech Walesa og andre ledere af Solidaritet er fængslet, deres skæbne er uvis. Fabrikker, miner, universiteter og hjem er blevet angrebet...
Jeg anmoder indtrængende den polske regering og dens allierede om at betænke konsekvenserne af deres handlinger. Hvordan kan det være muligt for dem at retfærdiggøre at anvende nøgen magt til at knuse et folk, som ikke beder om andet end retten til at bestemme over deres eget liv i frihed og værdighed? Brutal magt kan intimidere, men den kan ikke danne grundlag for et varigt samfund.....

Reagan i det Ovale værelse

Polen har brug for samarbejde mellem sin regering og sit folk, ikke militær undertrykkelse. ..
Vores regering har sammen med vores allieredes regeringer givet udtryk for moralsk afsky overfor Polens undertrykkeres politistatsmetoder. Kirken har også taget offentligt til genmæle til trods for trusler og intimidering. Men vores reaktion kan ikke stoppe her. Jeg vil på det kraftigste understrege her i aften, at hvis uhyrlighederne i Polen ikke stopper, så kan vi ikke, og vil ikke føre ’’business as usual’’ med gerningsmændene og deres medskyldige. Tag ikke fejl, deres kriminalitet kommer til at koste dem dyrt i deres fremtidige omgang med Amerika og frie mennesker overalt i verden. Jeg kommer ikke med denne erklæring på overfladisk eller letsindig vis, ej heller uden seriøse refleksioner. Med henblik på at hjælpe det lidende polske folk under denne kritiske periode, vil vi fortsætte forsendelsen af mad igennem private humanitære kanaler, men kun så længe vi, ved at det polske folk selv modtager maden. Nabolandet Østrig har åbnet sine døre for flygtninge fra Polen. Jeg har derfor dikteret, at amerikansk assistance, heriblandt forsyninger af grundlæggende madvarer, skal tilbydes for at hjælpe østrigerne med at tage sig af disse flygtninge. Men for at understrege vores fundamentale modstand mod de underkuende handlinger, den polske regering har udført mod sit eget folk, har denne amerikanske regering suspenderet alle vores stats-sponsorede forsendelser af landbrugs-produkter – heriblandt mælkeprodukter – til den polske regering. Denne suspension vil stå ved magt, indtil der er modtaget absolut vished om, at distributionen af disse produkter bliver monitoreret og garanteret af uafhængige agenturer. Vi må være sikre på, at hver eneste lille smule fødevare leveret af Amerika går til det polske folk og ikke dets undertrykkere.”

Parallellen til Tyrkiet 2015 er klar:
denne tid giver sparsom glæde til det modige kurdiske folk i Tyrkiet. Det er blevet forrådt af sin egen regering.
De mænd, som hersker over dem frygter selve den frihed, som det kurdiske folk værdsætter. De har besvaret den spirende friheds-bevægelse med brutal magt, drab, og massearrestationer. Mange ledere af HDP er fængslet, HDPs kontorer er blevet angrebet, politiske møder angrebet og endda bombet.

HDP med-leder Figen Yüksekdağ i BBC for nogle få dage siden.

Jeg anmoder indtrængende den tyrkiske regering om at betænke konsekvenserne af deres handlinger. Hvordan kan det være muligt for dem at retfærdiggøre at anvende nøgen magt til at knuse et folk, som ikke beder om andet end retten til at bestemme over deres eget liv i frihed og værdighed? Brutal magt kan intimidere, men den kan ikke danne grundlag for et varigt samfund.....Tyrkiet har brug for samarbejde mellem sin regering og sit folk, kurdere og alle andre, ikke militær undertrykkelse. ..
Vores regering har sammen med vores allieredes regeringer givet udtryk for moralsk afsky overfor de tyrkiske undertrykkeres politistatsmetoder. Kirken har også taget offentligt til genmæle til trods for trusler og intimidering. Men vores reaktion kan ikke stoppe her. Jeg vil på det kraftigste understrege her i aften, at hvis uhyrlighederne i Tyrkiet ikke stopper, så kan vi ikke, og vil ikke føre ’’Business as usual’’ med gerningsmændene og deres medskyldige. Tag ikke fejl, deres kriminalitet kommer til at koste dem dyrt i deres fremtidige omgang med Amerika og frie mennesker overalt i verden. Jeg kommer ikke med denne erklæring på overfladisk eller letsindig vis, ej heller uden seriøse refleksioner. Med henblik på at hjælpe det lidende kurdiske folk under denne kritiske periode, vil vi....”

Hvad Ronald Reagan ville sige hvis han i dag sad i Præsident Obamas stol i det Ovale Værelse kan ingen vide med sikkerhed. Men jeg opfordrer (endnu engang) Folketinget til – i vores fælles medmenneskeligheds navn og i linje med den ånd, som folk viste da de førte danske jøder i sikkerhed i Sverige under anden Verdenskrig – til to ting:
1: At gøre alle politisk mulige tiltag, der kan fremme fred, forsoning og frihed i Tyrkiet, særligt i de kurdiske områder.
2: Gør alle anstrengelser for at få en permanent kontakt etableret med myndighederne i Rojava, med henblik på assistance og partnerskab.

Her vil jeg endda driste mig til lige at tilføje et militært forslag: Jeg opfordrer til en hurtig udsendelse af danske jæger- og frømandssoldater til Rojava, hvor de skal samarbejde med de amerikanske specialstyrker, som allerede er til stede. Jeg ønsker særligt, at de skal bistå kurderne, men måske mere bredt hele SDF, Syrian Democratic Forces. Syrian Democratic Forces, som er den eneste virkeligt seriøse moderate gruppe – ikke sandt? SDF inkluderer både arabere, assyrere og kurdere. Denne sammensætning førte til det næsten surrealistiske billede, at man i oktober kunne se arabiske mænd side om side med kurdiske kvinder, parat til kampen mod IS.
Det er dog set før i Rojava, men ikke i denne nye alliance-kontekst. Jeg har i øvrigt det indtryk, at danske medier ikke har berettet særligt meget om denne udvikling, og ingen af dem har vist bragt dette billede.  


Styrker fra SDF: Kurdiske kvinder til venstre i billedet, arabiske mænd til højre (det røde flag). Kilde: ANHA og YPG Websider. i

SDF billede


Venlig hilsen
Heine Strømdahl
Gentofte 05-12-15


Dette er en åben henvendelse, så jeg deler den på min blog, Twitter og andre steder.

Appendix 1:ii

Selected portions from the Report:

*On September 4, 2015 Mehmet Emin Levent (29) lost his life by the fire from an armoured
vehicle in Nur quarter.
*On September 5, 2015 H.B. (15), Barış İşçen (16), Ümran Asrak (18) and Meryem İşçen
(40) were wounded by the opened fire.
*On September 5, 2015 Ziynet Dirican lost one eye due to hitting by an object while sitting
in her house.
*On September 5, 2015, Hacı Ata Borçin (75) and Gadban Bülbül (78) lost their lives due to
heart attack caused by the tension of clashes.
*On September 5, 2015 Sait Çağdavul (21) was shot to death when security forces opened
fire against Nur quarter from an armoured vehicle.
*On September 6, 2015 35 days old baby Muhammed Tahir Yaramış fell from his mother’s
arms and started having health problems. Later he lost his life on the grounds that the police
did not allow the ambulance to enter Nur quarter.
*On September 6, 2015 Osman Çağlı (18) was shot to death when security forces opened
fire against Cudi quarter from an armoured vehicle.
*On September 7, 2015 Cemile Çağırga (10) was shot to death when security forces opened
fire against Cudi quarter from an armoured vehicle.
*On September 7, 2015, Bahattin Sevinik (50) lost his life weather due to hitting by a missile
on his house or due to firearm in Nur quarter (witness statements are not clear).
*On September 7, 2015, Suphi Sarak (50) was shot to death when weather snipers or an
armoured vehicle opened fire in Nur quarter (witness statements are not clear).
*On September 7, 2015 Murat Babayiğit (9) and Baran İmrağ (12) were wounded caused by
the opened fire.
*On September 8, 2015 Nurullah Aslan and Ümit Aşkın were wounded by the opened fire
during clashes. In front of the hospital in Diyarbakır where they were taken under treatment,
there was citizens and undercover police officers waiting and visitors of the wounded people
were checked for their criminal records.
*On September 8, 2015 Mesut Demir was wounded in the shoulder by snipers while he was
going to visit his relatives to express his condolences about the death of one of his relatives.
*On September 8, 2015 Ömer Magi (14) was critically wounded due to a bullet in his right
abdominal cavity.
*On September 8, 2015 Abdullah Özcan (31), father of 6 children, was wounded in his foot
by the opened fire while he was performing salaat in one of the rooms of his house which is
closer to the street. Due to lack of security of life he could be taken to Şırnak State Hospital
after 12 hours and when he was sent to Diyarbakır his wounded foot had to be amputated.
*On September 8, 2015 the fire fighters who went to extinguish the fire in Nur quarter were
shot by the opened fire.
*On September 8, 2015 Meryem Süne (53), mother of 7 children, was shot from an
armoured vehicle Yasef quarter and died of blood loss.
*On September 8, 2015 Zeynep Taşkın (19) was shot to death in Cudi quarter by the snipers
on the rooftops while she was holding her baby. The baby Berxwedan was also critically
wounded in the foot and ear.
*On September 8, 2015 Maşallah Edin (35) was shot to death in Cudi quarter by the snipers
on the rooftops.
*On September 8, 2015 İbrahim Çiçek (79) lost his life on the grounds that he wasn’t able to
be taken to a hospital while he was already a patient confined to bed in Nur quarter.
*On September 9, 2015 Eşref Edin (56) was shot to death by the opened fire from armoured
vehicles on the top of the hills around Nur quarter while he was on his house’s rooftop.
*On September 9, 2015 Mehmet Sait Nayici (16) was shot to death by the opened fire in
Cudi quarter.
*On September 9, 2015 Özgür Taşkın (18) was wounded by the opened fire in Yasef quarter,
and bled to death on the grounds that the ambulance couldn’t take him to hospital.
*On September 10, 2015 Devran Budak (9) was wounded due to the opened fire.
*On September 10, 2015 Bünyamin İrci (14) was shot to death by the opened fire from an
armoured vehicle in Nur quarter.
*On September 11, 2015 5 police officers were wounded due to an explosion while an
armoured vehicle was heading towards to Nur quarter.
*On September 11, 2015 Şahin Açık (74) lost his life on the grounds that he started having
health problems in his house in Nur quarter but wasn’t able to be taken to a hospital.
*On September 11, 2015 Selman Ağar (10) lost his life due to the opened fire in Cudi
*On September 11, 2015 4 citizens in Nur quarter, whose names couldn’t be learnt, were
wounded by the fire of snipers.
*On September 11, 2015 Mehmet Dökmen (71) lost his life on the grounds of tension caused
by clashes in Yafes quarter.
*On September 11, 2015 Mehmet Erdoğan (75) was shot in his head by snipers in Cudi
quarter while he was on his way back from buying breads from the bakery.
*On September 12, 2015 during the observation of Committee members an explosion took
place in Nur quarter and a child named Yusuf Şık has got severely wounded. His right arm
and both feet were wounded and one of his arms needed to be amputated in the hospital he
was taken.
*On October 7, 2015 Mülkiye Geçgel (48) lost her life in the hospital that she has been since
September 9, 2015, which is the date that she was shot by the opened fire of security forces
and got severely wounded in her abdomen in Cudi quarter.


Ahmet Edin - Husband of Maşallah Edin and father-in-law of Zeynep Taşkın
I’m a driver and I was in Iraq. I wasn’t able to anwer phone calls. I called my brother from
his house and asked to talk with my children. I talked to my wife and daughter-in-law on the
phone. I heard that after the phone call they went out to go back home. First my daughter-inlaw
Zeynep Taşkın left home with her 6 months old baby in her arms. The moment she left,
she was shot by the snipers. When she fell on the ground, my wife Maşallah rallies to her
help. They shot her too. Than my uncle comes. And he was shot through his foot. He could
pull the baby later in. They used one shot for each. They shot to those who were laying in
front of the house. The baby cried on her mother’s corpse for hours. No one could reach there
to save them.
Husband of Zeynep Taşkın
My mom and wife was murdered in front of our door. My 6 months old baby Berxwedan, my
uncle Ahmet Edin, wife of my uncle Ayşe Edin and my cousin Ekrem Dayan were wounded
and now are in the Şırnak State Hospital..
Witness/ Victim (6)
Israel wouldn’t do these things to Palestine, which this State did to us. No one would accept this kind of inhuman treatment. No one can bear that. There was no water for 8-9 days, no food, no electricty. They didn’t let bakeries work. No pharmacies. Patients came but we couldn’t find any medicine. No one does what they did. It wouldn’t fit into any conscience. I
wasn’t expecting this from the President. Israel wouldn’t do that. Netanyahu wouldn’t do that.
We were in captivity for 8 days. We were not even able to go to our balconies. They were
constantly attacking us by weapons. Riot police, tanks and special forces were here. They
were the ISIS of Erdoğan.
Witness/ Victim (7)
They treated us like animals in our own city. They slaughtered us. They murdered a newborn
baby. They opened fire against the deputies who were trying to carry the bodies of people who
lost their lives, tried to kill them too. We saw everything with our own eyes. They were hitting
houses with bombs by tanks right in front of our house. Everyone was inside houses. No one
could do anything. Only they massacred us. Everyone was silent. While we were living inside
death and hunger, the State authorities said that no one died and no one was without any
food. They said ‘We give their needs.’ But they only attacked us with weapons and murdered
us. Police officers were opening the big supermarkt and getting what they needed. Yet, didn’t
let people get their needs. They didn’t even let us buy milk for the babies. We couldn’t find
even one drop of milk for 8 days. When I went out to get milk they opened fire on me. I could
have died in that attack. By these acts they were actually saying ‘we will show you a lesson,
you will see our power.’ They were wearing a special uniform and had beards like ISIS
members. They all had black cloths on their necks or wore beanies like ISIS flag. There were
tanks, mine counter vehicles [kirpi] and cobra vehicles. They killed people by shooting from
those vehicles. They killed babies and elderly people.

I will explain about a kid who came 2 days ago. Kid was 6-7 years old. When he was brought
to the emergency room, he was screaming and trying to scratch his eye out. He was
constantly screaming around as “I will kill myself.”
This morning a kid came with his cousins around the same age. All were 10 years old. They
were also screaming like that. “We are gonna kill ourselves. We are gonna explode
ourselves!” It shows how the psychologies of these kids are affected. 7 years old, 10 years old
children screaming as “I will explode myself”… From now on there is nothing to do.

iiJeg tror personligt at han blev myrdet, ikke at han blev fanget i en krydsild, selvom der ikke foreligger helt klare beviser.   

lørdag den 14. november 2015

remove the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from the list of ..Terrorist Organizations.


Lucina Kathmann
International Vice-President, PEN International
1132 W. Lunt Av. #3B Chicago IL 60626

April 16, 2015 To Barak Obama, President; John Kerry, Secretary of State, and United States Congresspeople
Dear Mr. President, dear Mr. Kerry, dear Congresspeople,
I am writing to urge you to remove the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. This organization presents no threat to the United States nor any of its citizens. It never has. In fact, as time has gone on, it has become clear to more and more US citizens that the Kurdish people are important allies of the United States. They are essential to the control of the spread of extremist Islamic forces in the near east, and they are a key force in creating and maintaining the stability and safeguarding of Iraq and Syria. In recent months, there have been talks between the Turkish government and jailed PKK head Abdullah Ocalan, who is a prime mover for an end to armed conflict in the Kurdish region in Turkey. Declassifying his organization from the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list would help a great deal in letting this group emerge as a force for peace and stability. It would further expedite the movement of its military wing to places where it truly is needed. It may not be necessary to underscore the threat that ISIS presents to democracy and peaceful development. Whether in the form of ISIS, IS, Daesh, al-Nusrah etc. a glance at what happened to the Yezidi on the plains of Nineveh, particularly the Yezidi women now being sold at auction, or to the beleaguered people of Rojava in Syria should make this clear. As a person with more than 20 years of experience through constant contact with groups of writers in the area and many trips there, I am convinced that it is not a good time to maintain obstacles in the way of competent Kurdish allies. Please declassify the PKK.
Lucina Kathmann
International Vice-President, PEN International
[for identification purposes only] Out of Nowhere: The Kurds of Syria in Peace and War (9781849044356): Michael Gunter: Books Out of Nowhere: The Kurds of Syria in Peace and War (9781849044356): Michael Gunter: Books

Kurdishstruggle | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Kurdishstruggle | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

"Appel Til Folketinget 1: Knæk ISIS. 2: Hjælp kurderne i Rojava og Tyrkiet – og Irak."

Heine Strømdahl on Twitter: "Appel Til Folketinget 1: Knæk ISIS. 2: Hjælp kurderne i Rojava og Tyrkiet – og Irak."

torsdag den 12. november 2015

onsdag den 4. november 2015

Why Now? The Syrian Refugee Flow to Europe - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Why Now? The Syrian Refugee Flow to Europe - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy 



The great majority of Syrians fleeing their homes leave because of regime attacks. Over the past month alone, figures from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) show that increased fighting in the northwest has displaced around 120,000 people since the Russian intervention began, and these numbers will grow so long as the regime offensive continues. Previously, civilians have sought to flee violence all over the country, such as the bombing of East Aleppo, the destruction of Yarmouk, Bab al-Amr, and other neighborhoods, and the army's reconquest of al-Qusayr and Yabroud.
The latest Russian/Iranian-backed offensive has exacerbated the deteriorating economic situation and further quashed hopes for a quick end to the conflict. In particular, the Russians have targeted efforts to restore normalcy in rebel-held areas. With markets, schools, and hospitals being destroyed, the new offensive is a clear application of Moscow's repressive counterinsurgency strategy in Chechnya. Vladimir Putin is not out to win hearts.
Most of the refugees have lost hope of seeing peace in Syria, but even if they wanted to return, many of them are prohibited from doing so by the regime. For instance, all people from Bab al-Amr, a Sunni Arab rebel stronghold in the city of Homs, are now on a regime blacklist, and they would expect no mercy if they or their families attempted to return.
To be sure, the imposition of supposed "Islamic law" by ISIS has pushed secularist Sunnis and religious minorities out of certain areas. On the whole, however, the jihadist group forbids Sunni Arabs from leaving the areas it controls, so relatively few of the refugees bound for Europe were pushed out by ISIS."   Source:

søndag den 25. oktober 2015

EU, Amnesty, USA: Where are you? Dining at Erdogans table? Or what?

EU, Amnesty, USA: Where are you? Dining at Erdogans table? Or what? Kurds are under attack! 

The deceptive President Erdogan is threatening Rojava:

In Memoriam Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler, 39.

In Memoriam
Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler, 39.


DoD Identifies Army Casualty

Press Operations
Release No: NR-404-15 
October 23, 2015

The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.

Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler, 39, of Roland, Oklahoma, died Oct. 22, in Kirkuk Province, Iraq, from wounds received by enemy small-arms fire during an operation.

He was assigned Headquarters U.S. Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

For more information, media may contact the U.S. Army Special Operations Command public affairs office at 910-432-6005.