SDF operationer

SDF operationer
Folk i verden, kig på Rojava! - Mayday, mayday.. hjælp Kobane og Rojava


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torsdag den 30. april 2015

Kosta Scurfield's Family Prepare to Launch Campaign in Support of YPG

Kosta Scurfield's Family Prepare to Launch Campaign in Support of YPG

"Vasiliki Scurfield, the mother of Konstandinos Erik Scurfield, the first UK volunteer to die fighting ISIS in Syria with the Kurdish forces of the YPG appeared on the BBC's The One Show on Wednesday evening....
"What do you hope the outcome of the campaign will be?
I sincerely hope that the people of the world will join me in not only acknowledging the Kurdish resistance but also lauding and supporting it. I hope that we will be successful in forcing our governments to initiate a dialogue with the Kurdish people fighting against Daesh to see what they need and then make it possible for them to get it. I hope they do this quickly before it is too late for the Kurdish people." "

Quote from "The kurdish question"    

tirsdag den 28. april 2015

Prisoners wounded in Kobanê resistance denied treatment

Prisoners wounded in Kobanê resistance denied treatment

Winning the War | 60 Minutes | 9Jumpin

Winning the War | 60 Minutes | 9Jumpin

A Revolution for Humanity; Served Brotherhood on the Fields of Battle

A Revolution for Humanity; Served Brotherhood on the Fields of Battle

"Three of our Comrades who had effectively contributed to the resistance in Serêkaniyê town, fought with a spirit of sacrifice, and were martyred in action; one Kurd and two Arab Comrades who fearlessly battled shoulder to shoulder against the dark forces of our time. In the person of these Combatant Comrades, we remember and honor the fallen martyrs of this revolution for freedom, and before them we bow humbly; once more we extend our deepest sympathies to the families of these three fallen heroes."


søndag den 26. april 2015

3 pregnant girls being held in solitary in Turkish prison - ANF

ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê

"3 pregnant girls being held in solitary in Turkish prison

Three girls under 18 are being held in solitary confinement in Şakran prison as a punishment for being pregnant and have been denied medical treatment in spite of suffering labour pains.

Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 12:30 PM


Three girls under 18 are being held in solitary confinement in Şakran prison as a punishment for being pregnant and have been denied medical treatment in spite of suffering labour pains. It has emerged that rights violations are continuing in the notorious Şakran prison. In a letter sent by women inmates to their lawyer, prisoners complained of a special squad being set up to carry out psychological torture, and said 3 pregnant girls under 18 were being held in solitary confinement.

The letter said the three girls were being denied medical treatment, despite suffering labour pains, and that certain prison officers had taken away the remote controls of TVs in children’s blocks.

‘Boiling water poured on mentally ill inmate’

In the letter, women inmates said a mentally unstable prisoner called Hanım Dudu who had a history of self-harm was being held in a cell without windows, as she had broken windows and used the shards to cut herself. The cell in which Hanım Dudu is being held is colder than other cells and the letter said prison officers had attempted to scald Dudu by pouring boiling water over her...."

Turkish soldiers torture 5 youths from Rojava

Turkish soldiers torture 5 youths from Rojava

DIHA news

søndag den 19. april 2015

Folk i verden, kig på Rojava! Og folk i Rojava, vær sikre på, denne kamp vil vi, denne kamp vil vi vinde!

I verdens folk, I folk i Amerika, i England, i Frankrig, i Italien! Se på Rojava og erkend, at I ikke må lade dette folk stå alene i deres kamp! Der findes kun en mulighed for os alle: fælles at stå sammen så længe, indtil denne kamp er vundet, til denne kamp endelig er beseglet ved sejren over fjenderne, ved sejren over mørkets magt. Folket i Rojava har talt. Vi har gjort vor pligt, vi har drevet ISIS ud af Kobane og vi står i dag nu kun cirka 60 kilometer fra slangens hoved – Raqqa - og vi vil fortsætte med at gøre vor pligt. Folk i verden! Gør også jeres pligt og hjælp os i den tid, der står foran os, ikke kun med drønet fra jeres flyvemaskiner, ikke kun med de modige frivillige mænd og kvinder, som rejser fra jeres lande og hertil for at kæmpe på vores side, men med den standhaftige og evigt eksisterende indeståen for de fælles idealer, som alene kan sikre vor fremtid og som også alene kan sikre jeres fremtid. Folk i verden, kig på Rojava! Og folk i Rojava, vær sikre på, denne kamp vil vi, denne kamp vil vi vinde!

Partnerskab med og støtte til Rojava

Åben henvendelse til statsminister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, regeringen og det danske Folketing.

Kære Statsminister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Udenrigsminister Martin Lidegaard, MF Lars Barfoed, MF Mette Bock, MF Søren Pind, MF Holger K Nielsen, MF Søren Espersen og MF Morten Bødskov, udenrigsordførere og folketingsmedlemmer for Socialdemokratiet, Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance, Socialistisk Folkeparti og Det Konservative Folkeparti. 

Tak for jeres engagement og villighed til at tjene vores dejlige land igennem regeringsarbejdet.
 Jeg beder jer - igen - om

1: At arbejde på, at der sendes våben til Rojava og udvide samarbejdet og kontakten med dem så meget som det overhovedet er muligt.
2: Venligt, men bestemt bede tyrkerne om at stoppe drabene på sagesløse kurdere, som blot plukker urter til deres aftensmad.

Derfor kommer jeg med de følgende spørgsmål:

Vil I arbejde på, at der så hurtigt som muligt kan ydes militær hjælp til Rojava – og ikke kun luftstøtte?

Vil I udvide kontakten og partnerskabet med Rojava? Evt. med henblik på anerkendelse af områdets autonomi?

Vil I tage punkt 2 op med Tyrkiet?

Denne min henvendelse er "et åbent brev", så jeg agter snarest at slå den - filen - op på min blog, og dele den i diverse internetfora.
Begrundelserne, analyse og tanker bagved findes nedenfor og i vedhæftede fil.

Med venlig hilsen
Deres hengivne medborger

Heine Strømdahl

København, April 2015.

Læs hele appellen her :

lørdag den 18. april 2015

Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard, police say -

Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard, police say -

Kurds of Syria - established a democratic and pluralist model of self-rule in the areas

Welatê Kurdan

"Since the beginning of the civil war, Kurds of Syria have established a democratic and pluralist model of self-rule in the areas they inhabitate together with Arabs, Assyrians and other people they live with. This democratic model which has become a hope for the peoples possessed a serious threat for ISIS which takes its strength from fear and panic. For this reason, ISIS keeps launching intensive attacks on the settlements in West Kurdistan. Starting from 15 September, ISIS launched a massive attack on the Canton of Kobanê which also has a symbolic importance as the city in which Rojava Revolution started. People’s Defence Units (YPG) resists with light weapons against ISIS attacks which are launched with backing from Turkey and with heavy weapons ISIS seized from the Iraqi Army. 1st of November was declared as Global Solidarity Day with Kobane by scientists, politicians, artists and huma rights activists from various countries in the world. In response to this call, people from different corners of the world took to the streets to draw attention to ISIS fascism, demand active military and political support for the defenders of Kobane YPG forces, and to demand urgent humanitarian aid for civilians. On this page, we would like to share photos from activities carried out around to globe for the Global Solidarity Day with Kobane.

mandag den 6. april 2015

Syria crisis: Kidnapped Kurds freed by Islamist rebels - BBC News

Syria crisis: Kidnapped Kurds freed by Islamist rebels - BBC News
Så gør vi sådan når vi sorterer vores plast – sorterer vores plast - sorterer vores plast....
Skrevet af Heine Strømdahl, april 2015-04-06

Så gør vi sådan når vi sorterer vores plast - sorterer vores plast sorterer ..

Og samtidig får man gjort sin borgerpligt - i hvert fald hvis man bor i Gentofte kommune!
Hvorfor? Fordi Gentofte Kommune er ved at indføre et nyt system til affaldshåndtering. Der opstilles affaldscontainere til plast og metal rundt omkring i kommunen, som borgerne opfordres til at benytte efter en simpel vejledning. Vejledningen er udsendt til alle kommunens husstande, og den informerer om hvilke former for plast og metal, der skal puttes i disse containere. Vejledningen siger bl.a. at:
Sådan sorterer du plast
Plast kan for eksempel være
Plastemballage fra madvarer
Plasflasker, dunke og bøtter

Kommunen har nu gjort sit arbejde - Gør du din borgerpligt?
Eller brænder din plast og dit metal i vores forbrændingsanlæg ?

Skrevet af Heine Strømdahl, april 2015-04-06   PDF:

Så gør vi sådan når vi sorterer vores plast - sorterer vores plast sorterer ..

lørdag den 4. april 2015

Journalists covering or filming Turkish authorities crimes against Kurds being abducted - YouTube

Journalists covering or filming Turkish authorities crimes against Kurds being abducted - YouTube

"My war is the guerrilla war." - Joanna Palanis

                                                 Don't let that smile deceive you. Ask ISIS.

Picture of Joanna Palanis: Screenshot Politiken TV:    www.

Young danish-kurdish woman: "My war is the guerrilla war."

Quote from :  

This picture, which apparently shows Joanna Palanis in classic combat fatigue in Syria, appeared just recently on Twitter:

Source:   ,

fredag den 3. april 2015

torsdag den 2. april 2015



Remembering the Forgotten Genocide

Remembering the Forgotten Genocide

"In early 1915, a fatwa was issued against non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire. Muslims were called to fight the Christian minorities with whom they had been living as neighbours, albeit not on equal or necessarily peaceful terms. Many refused to take part, but those who did inflicted colossal suffering and destruction on the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Christians.
It is thought that over 1.5 million Armenians, up to 750,000 Assyrians and up to 1.5 million Greeks -- men, women and children -- were killed in the state-sanctioned genocide over a 30-year period; yet their tragic loss is barely remembered today. The Armenians' Golgotha and the Assyrians' Seyfo ("sword") is a forgotten genocide against forgotten peoples............."      Read more in the link above to

Boris: the only Brit allowed to point a gun at the Islamic State | spiked

Boris: the only Brit allowed to point a gun at the Islamic State | spiked

'She's an inspiration, not a criminal' - YouTube

'She's an inspiration, not a criminal' - YouTube

Senior Labor figure Matthew Gardiner leaves Australia to fight against Islamic State: report

Senior Labor figure Matthew Gardiner leaves Australia to fight against Islamic State: report

Kurdish forces won’t reveal NT Labor figure Matthew Gardiner’s location | NT News

Kurdish forces won’t reveal NT Labor figure Matthew Gardiner’s location | NT News

onsdag den 1. april 2015

Kurds protest in support of British teenager at terrorism hearing | World news | The Guardian

Kurds protest in support of British teenager at terrorism hearing | World news | The Guardian

The U.N.’s War on Israel -

The U.N.’s War on Israel -

"The problem with the United Nations is that the leaders of many of its member states do not rule with the consent of the governed. Instead, they use the body as a forum to deflect attention from their own ruthless rule. In so doing, they turn a stage for courageous statecraft into a tragic theater of the absurd."

I am amazed by the expressions of love between our two peoples

"I am constantly amazed by the expressions of love between our two peoples that I see in uncounted posts and comments on our Facebook page “Israel Kurdistan” – we must capitalize and build upon that deep connection.

We are planning to organize, God willing, a symposium on the future of Israel Kurdistan relations. The areas that I see exploring first are academic cooperation, education, culture and business. We would be more than happy to hear by email from all interest parties."

Quote: "Benzion Cassouto"

Benzion Cassouto is an Electronic Engineer, scholar in Jewish Biblical studies, and geopolitical analyst specializing in the Middle East. Residing in Israel, Benzion is the founder and GM of the Israel Kurdistan NGO whose objective is expanding relations between Israel and the Kurdistan Region. He can be reached at:"

Quote taken from BASNEWS:

Significance of Israeli Election Results to Kurds in the Region
