Linking doesn't constitute endorsement. I may share (some) of the same beliefs and wievpoints presented in a link, but generally speaking I have chosen to link to articles I find relevant to issues that I focus on -whether I agree with the author or not.
- Retten har talt: Hun ville godt have sex - Indland
- Integrity of Heart | Jack Hayford Ministries
- In Bangladesh, sons follow murdered fathers' foots...
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- HRFT’s Alternative Report on #Turkey to UN Committ...
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- Ohio authorities reportedly detain 'person of inte...
- - Sign the Boycott Target Pledge!
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- Israeli Convicted in Murder of Palestinian Teenage...
- Despite Decades of Stealth, Sticking Points Bedevi...
- Turks who tried to put sack over US soldier's head...
- Drone strikes British Airways flight on approach t...
- Fodboldindustriens ti "topdirektører" modtager årl...
- DİHA - Dicle News Agency
- Big Cat Killings, Big Cat Maulings, Big Cat Escapes
- North Carolina is very interested in protecting ri...
- F-35 kan slå helt fejl.
- Syria: Indiscriminate Attacks Ongoing Despite “Ces...
- Facebook cracks down on Kurdish content
- Awkward... Modi makes his mark on Prince William -...
- What if the PKK refused to fight?
- Turkey's ISIS-Syria border problem going to get wo...
- Turkey's ISIS-Syria border problem going to get wo...
- 11-20 July 2015 HRFT Daily Human Rights Report | TİHV
- Qamishlo people are suffering from Turkish army sh...
- How To Lose Your Mind To ISIS And Then Fight To Ge...
- Badawai, a Free Syrian Army fighter 21 years old -...
- Nurses in Sheikh Masquod - Aleppo | ANHA
- The Kurdish Mother
- Attacks in Sheikh Maqsoud Şêxmeqsûd hatin kuştin |...
- Hon strider mot IS - Nyheterna -
- Insulting remarks about Armenia forces resignation...
- "The Negro Is Your Brother," - Martin Luther King'...
- Chemical gas attack in Aleppo, Sheikh Maqsoud: - Y...
- The Middle East’s Other Civil War - The Paris Glob...
- Why the Turkish government seized this Armenian ch...
- NASA's K2 Mission Searches for Far Out and Wanderi...
- Turkey could cut off Islamic State’s supply lines....
- Danish Airshow 2016
- Iceland: A culture moving beyond marriage -
- Qarneya Tirkiyeyê ya Rojava tije xwîn e | ANHA
- Winston Churchill - The Greatest Briton
- Joanna kæmpede mod Islamisk Stat: Fremover kan det...
- Takbir! Allah Akbar!! -- Humanitær katastrofe i Ty...
- JINHA Police shoot woman in the head in Diyarbakır
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- IDF reduces expected charge against soldier to man...
- Så klynker eksperterne igen | Kristeligt Dagblad
- Pornography is addictive just like drugs are addic...
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Not entirely correct – factual error in BBC report about Turkish air strikes against PKK bases. Subject: Error today in
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NEJ tak til den nye offentlighedslov -
lørdag den 30. april 2016
fredag den 29. april 2016
torsdag den 28. april 2016
In Bangladesh, sons follow murdered fathers' footsteps -
In Bangladesh, sons follow murdered fathers' footsteps -
From CNN:
From CNN:
"Sufi cleric Ahmed Reza Faruqi has experienced brutal Islamist violence first hand in Bangladesh.
Faruqi spoke to CNN while seated barefoot on the stone floor of the Hazrat Shah Khwaza Sharfuddin Chisti Mazar Mosque, dressed in a white shalwar kamiz and wearing an embroidered golden cap.
He says he has a mission to continue spreading his father's message that Islam "is not the religion of terrorists."
"My father preached moderate Islam," Faruqi says.
"There are Christians, there are Hindus, there are Jews ... we respect them, we don't force them to obey our opinion."
But the bearded cleric worries about what he describes as the rising tide of extremism in his country.
"Bangladesh has to stop this (extremist) ideology," he says.
"If these (people) will not be stopped, there will be a massacre of people who love Sufism, who love moderate Islam." "
tirsdag den 26. april 2016
lørdag den 23. april 2016
fredag den 22. april 2016
torsdag den 21. april 2016
onsdag den 20. april 2016
tirsdag den 19. april 2016
mandag den 18. april 2016
Drone strikes British Airways flight on approach to Heathrow Airport | Fox News
Drone strikes British Airways flight on approach to Heathrow Airport | Fox News
Frankly it was only a matter of time before we had a drone strike given the huge numbers being flown around by amateurs who don't understand the risks and the rules," Steve Landells of the British Airline Pilots Association told Sky.
The UK Civil Aviation Authority's so-called "drone code" requires the unmanned craft to be kept away from planes and airports, and not be flown above 400 feet.
søndag den 17. april 2016
Fodboldindustriens ti "topdirektører" modtager årligt mellem 150 millioner og 555 millioner kroner i samlede indtægter
Top-10: Fodboldstjerner skovler penge ind | Sporten | DR
Ifølge France Football modtager Fodboldindustriens ti "topdirektører" hvert år mellem 150 millioner og 555 millioner kroner i samlede indtægter fra lønninger, bonusser og sponsorater.
"Hvert år præsenterer det franske fodboldmagasin, France Football, et hæfte kaldet ’Salaires des stars’ – frit oversat til ’Stjernernes salærer’. 2016 er ingen undtagelsen, og som for et år siden er det med samme mand på førstepladsen.
Stjernespillernes samlede indtægt er opgjort ved at sammenregne årslønnen, bonusordninger samt andre indtægter som eksempelvis sponsorater. Vi har på DR Sporten omregnet beløbene til danske kroner, og for overblikkets skyld har vi regnet med 7,5 kroner per euro. Se listen over de 10 fodboldspillere her:
10. Luis Suarez, Barcelona, Uruguay
Luis Suarez.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
112,5 mio + 16,875 mio + 21 mio = 150.375.000 kr.
9. Andreas Iniesta, Barcelona, Spanien
Andres Iniesta.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
112,5 mio + 15 mio + 33,75 mio = 161.250.000 kr.
8. Thomas Müller, Bayern München, Tyskland
Thomas Müller.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
120 mio + 4,5 mio + 52,5 mio = 177.000.000 kr.
7. Gareth Bale, Real Madrid, Wales
Gareth Bale.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
105 mio + 3,75 mio + 75 mio = 183.750.00 kr.
6. Angel Di Maria, Paris SG, Argentina
Angel Di Maria.
Årsløn + Bonus + andre indtægter.
180 mio + 6 mio + 9 mio = 195.000.000 kr.
5. Thiago Silva, Paris SG, Brasilien
Thiago Silva.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
172,5 mio + 7,5 mio + 18,75 mio = 198.750.000 kr.
4. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paris SG, Sverige
Zlatan Ibrahimovic. (Foto: Franck FIfe © Scanpix)
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
150 mio + 18,75 mio + 45 mio = 213.750.000 kr.
3. Neymar, Barcelona, Brasilien
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
150 mio + 18,75 mio + 157,5 mio = 326.250.000 kr.
2. Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid, Portugal
Cristiano Ronaldo.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
240 mio + 3 mio + 262,5 mio = 505.500.000 kr.
LÆS OGSÅ: Messi benægter at have snydt i skat
1. Lionel Messi, Barcelona, Argentina
Lionel Messi.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
270 mio + 22,5 mio + 262,5 mio = 555.000.000 kr."
Kilde: DR ,,
Ifølge France Football modtager Fodboldindustriens ti "topdirektører" hvert år mellem 150 millioner og 555 millioner kroner i samlede indtægter fra lønninger, bonusser og sponsorater.
"Hvert år præsenterer det franske fodboldmagasin, France Football, et hæfte kaldet ’Salaires des stars’ – frit oversat til ’Stjernernes salærer’. 2016 er ingen undtagelsen, og som for et år siden er det med samme mand på førstepladsen.
Stjernespillernes samlede indtægt er opgjort ved at sammenregne årslønnen, bonusordninger samt andre indtægter som eksempelvis sponsorater. Vi har på DR Sporten omregnet beløbene til danske kroner, og for overblikkets skyld har vi regnet med 7,5 kroner per euro. Se listen over de 10 fodboldspillere her:
10. Luis Suarez, Barcelona, Uruguay
Luis Suarez.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
112,5 mio + 16,875 mio + 21 mio = 150.375.000 kr.
9. Andreas Iniesta, Barcelona, Spanien
Andres Iniesta.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
112,5 mio + 15 mio + 33,75 mio = 161.250.000 kr.
8. Thomas Müller, Bayern München, Tyskland
Thomas Müller.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
120 mio + 4,5 mio + 52,5 mio = 177.000.000 kr.
7. Gareth Bale, Real Madrid, Wales
Gareth Bale.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
105 mio + 3,75 mio + 75 mio = 183.750.00 kr.
6. Angel Di Maria, Paris SG, Argentina
Angel Di Maria.
Årsløn + Bonus + andre indtægter.
180 mio + 6 mio + 9 mio = 195.000.000 kr.
5. Thiago Silva, Paris SG, Brasilien
Thiago Silva.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
172,5 mio + 7,5 mio + 18,75 mio = 198.750.000 kr.
4. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paris SG, Sverige
Zlatan Ibrahimovic. (Foto: Franck FIfe © Scanpix)
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
150 mio + 18,75 mio + 45 mio = 213.750.000 kr.
3. Neymar, Barcelona, Brasilien
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
150 mio + 18,75 mio + 157,5 mio = 326.250.000 kr.
2. Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid, Portugal
Cristiano Ronaldo.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
240 mio + 3 mio + 262,5 mio = 505.500.000 kr.
LÆS OGSÅ: Messi benægter at have snydt i skat
1. Lionel Messi, Barcelona, Argentina
Lionel Messi.
Årsløn + bonus + andre indtægter.
270 mio + 22,5 mio + 262,5 mio = 555.000.000 kr."
Kilde: DR ,,
lørdag den 16. april 2016
fredag den 15. april 2016
F-35 kan slå helt fejl.
om F-35: "Fordelen er, at USA har ikke noget alternativ. Det her er too big to fail. De er NØDT til at få det til at fungere." Passer ikke, slet ikke, USA kan sagtens droppe dette overambitiøse projekt som aldrig bliver den succes man havde håbet. faktisk kan de blive NØDT TIL at droppe det på grund af de helt vanvittige omkostninger til et projekt, som ikke yder det man har pustet det op til i diverse reklamer. Allerede nu har US Navy så småt trukket sig ud af projektet og man er begyndt at kigge på 6. generations fly. Her mener jeg at eksperten tager fejl.. flyet har allerede fløjet i flere år og alligevel så "Fordi det endnu ikke er færdigudviklet, er flyet nok først fuldt funktionsdygtigt om ti år." Det er helt absurd.
Syria: Indiscriminate Attacks Ongoing Despite “Cessation of Hostilities” | Human Rights Watch
Syria: | Human Rights Watch : reports about attacks against Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo.
Syria: Indiscriminate Attacks Ongoing Despite “Cessation of Hostilities” | Human Rights Watch
Syria: Indiscriminate Attacks Ongoing Despite “Cessation of Hostilities” | Human Rights Watch
torsdag den 14. april 2016
How To Lose Your Mind To ISIS And Then Fight To Get It Back - BuzzFeed News
"he wanted their blood to turn the sand red."
How To Lose Your Mind To ISIS And Then Fight To Get It Back - BuzzFeed News
How To Lose Your Mind To ISIS And Then Fight To Get It Back - BuzzFeed News
onsdag den 13. april 2016
Badawai, a Free Syrian Army fighter 21 years old - Joey L.
"Badawai, a Free Syrian Army fighter 21 years old. He was injured 3 times- once from the Syrian regime, and twice from fighting ISIS. “We don’t blame the Western countries for the scale of the war here. We blame the influence of Turkey and the Arab countries in the region trying to push their own agenda.” Sehid Abdo Duska Brigade, Jaysh al-Thuwar, SDF, December 10th, 2015, Euphrates River, Sarrin Southern Front, Rojava, Syria" Source: Joey Lawrence:
tirsdag den 12. april 2016
Insulting remarks about Armenia forces resignation in Sweden | Fox News
Nyheterna 19:00 - Nyheterna -
Insulting remarks about Armenia forces resignation in Sweden | Fox News
Insulting remarks about Armenia forces resignation in Sweden | Fox News
"The Negro Is Your Brother," - Martin Luther King's 'Letter From Birmingham Jail".
Martin Luther King's 'Letter From Birmingham Jail'
"published in The Atlantic as "The Negro Is Your Brother,"
"King's famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail," published in The Atlantic as "The Negro Is Your Brother," was written in response to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the South. It stands as one of the classic documents of the civil-rights movement."
Chemical gas attack in Aleppo, Sheikh Maqsoud: - Yekîneyên Parastina Gel YPG
Chemical gas attack in Aleppo, Sheikh Maqsoud:
5-yo and 4 civilians wounded in today's attacks on #SheikhMaqsoud by Syrian Coalition, cases of suffocation reported
(1) فريق التنسيق الخاص بالهدنة السورية السيدات... - Yekîneyên Parastina Gel YPG
5-yo and 4 civilians wounded in today's attacks on #SheikhMaqsoud by Syrian Coalition, cases of suffocation reported
(1) فريق التنسيق الخاص بالهدنة السورية السيدات... - Yekîneyên Parastina Gel YPG
mandag den 11. april 2016
søndag den 10. april 2016
Iceland: A culture moving beyond marriage -
Iceland: A culture moving beyond marriage -
"We think diamonds are evil," Bryndis says with a laugh
"We think diamonds are evil," Bryndis says with a laugh
fredag den 8. april 2016
torsdag den 7. april 2016
JINHA Police shoot woman in the head in Diyarbakır
JINHA || Police shoot woman in the head in Diyarbakır
onsdag den 6. april 2016
mandag den 4. april 2016
lørdag den 2. april 2016
IDF reduces expected charge against soldier to manslaughter
IDF reduces expected charge against soldier to manslaughter
IDF reduces expected charge against soldier to manslaughterAutopsy of Palestinian could determine fate of IDF shooter in Hebron IDF reducing charge from murder to manslaughter for soldier who shot wounded terrorist
fredag den 1. april 2016
Pornography is addictive just like drugs are addictive - porn kills the soul.
Pornography is addictive just like drugs are addictive.
"pornography is addictive just like drugs are addictive. One other expert cited in the article is Philip Zimbardo, emeritus professor of psychology at Stanford University. He makes the argument that porn often goes hand-in-hand with videogames and is similarly fine-tuned to be as habit-forming as possible. He then makes the statement,
“Porn embeds you in what I call present hedonistic time zone. You seek pleasure and novelty and live for the moment.”
Now remember the fact that out of the blue the word hedonism appeared in the Wall Street Journal in an article I cited on The Briefing yesterday. Now just one day later, Time magazine brings that ancient competitor to Christianity, hedonism, back into a moral context in an article that appears to ignore that very context. One of the most revealing aspects of this cover story in Time magazine is that even as the magazine and so many people cited within it point to the grave dangers of pornography and the reality of sexual addiction and the harm that it brings into so many lives, they are clear,
“The one thing that these young men are not suggesting is an end to porn, even if that were possible.”
One of the young activist cited in the article said,
“I don’t think that pornography should be legislated or banned or restricted.”
“In any case,” the magazine says, “legislating porn has always been fraught [that means difficult or complicated], and today that’s not just because of the First Amendment but also because of technology.”
One of the other really sad aspects of this article is the documentation of how many 12-, 13-, and 14-year-olds have what is described in the magazine as “access to unrestricted and endlessly novel Internet porn way before they discover that it could potentially have harmful side effects.”
You need to take the word “potentially” out of this. There is no way that pornography can be safely consumed. But this also tells us something else. The entire article, the way Time magazine approaches this, is as if somehow safe is defined merely in physical, in health, or in physiological terms. That is absolute nonsense. What is missing here is the understanding that pornography affects not only the body and not only the brain, but also the soul. But that requires a Christian worldview. And that’s what’s absent in our secularizing culture and that’s why it’s represented in the fact that Time magazine comes out with an article, a cover story on pornography, with a cover image that is itself pornographic; how Time magazine comes out with an article suggesting the problems of pornography, acknowledging even a public health dimension to pornography, but trying to deal with it without any moral dimension whatsoever; an article that documents the danger of addiction to pornography and even its physiological aspects in terms of the male brain and then comes back to argue: but all that having been said, not even those who document the problem want to make pornography anymore restricted not to mention illegal." Source: Albert Mohler, The briefing:
"pornography is addictive just like drugs are addictive. One other expert cited in the article is Philip Zimbardo, emeritus professor of psychology at Stanford University. He makes the argument that porn often goes hand-in-hand with videogames and is similarly fine-tuned to be as habit-forming as possible. He then makes the statement,
“Porn embeds you in what I call present hedonistic time zone. You seek pleasure and novelty and live for the moment.”
Now remember the fact that out of the blue the word hedonism appeared in the Wall Street Journal in an article I cited on The Briefing yesterday. Now just one day later, Time magazine brings that ancient competitor to Christianity, hedonism, back into a moral context in an article that appears to ignore that very context. One of the most revealing aspects of this cover story in Time magazine is that even as the magazine and so many people cited within it point to the grave dangers of pornography and the reality of sexual addiction and the harm that it brings into so many lives, they are clear,
“The one thing that these young men are not suggesting is an end to porn, even if that were possible.”
One of the young activist cited in the article said,
“I don’t think that pornography should be legislated or banned or restricted.”
“In any case,” the magazine says, “legislating porn has always been fraught [that means difficult or complicated], and today that’s not just because of the First Amendment but also because of technology.”
One of the other really sad aspects of this article is the documentation of how many 12-, 13-, and 14-year-olds have what is described in the magazine as “access to unrestricted and endlessly novel Internet porn way before they discover that it could potentially have harmful side effects.”
You need to take the word “potentially” out of this. There is no way that pornography can be safely consumed. But this also tells us something else. The entire article, the way Time magazine approaches this, is as if somehow safe is defined merely in physical, in health, or in physiological terms. That is absolute nonsense. What is missing here is the understanding that pornography affects not only the body and not only the brain, but also the soul. But that requires a Christian worldview. And that’s what’s absent in our secularizing culture and that’s why it’s represented in the fact that Time magazine comes out with an article, a cover story on pornography, with a cover image that is itself pornographic; how Time magazine comes out with an article suggesting the problems of pornography, acknowledging even a public health dimension to pornography, but trying to deal with it without any moral dimension whatsoever; an article that documents the danger of addiction to pornography and even its physiological aspects in terms of the male brain and then comes back to argue: but all that having been said, not even those who document the problem want to make pornography anymore restricted not to mention illegal." Source: Albert Mohler, The briefing:
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