Linking doesn't constitute endorsement. I may share (some) of the same beliefs and wievpoints presented in a link, but generally speaking I have chosen to link to articles I find relevant to issues that I focus on -whether I agree with the author or not.
lørdag den 27. oktober 2018
mandag den 22. oktober 2018
lørdag den 20. oktober 2018
onsdag den 10. oktober 2018
mandag den 1. oktober 2018
"Temperatures in many eastern regions of the UK dropped to -2C Saturday morning, making it the coldest September night for 32 years.
"Temperatures in many eastern regions of the UK dropped to -2C Saturday morning, making it the coldest September night for 32 years.
Brooms Barn, Cambridge NIAB, Monks Wood, Wittering, Weybourne and Woburn all recorded their coldest September night since 1986 — the solar minimum after cycle 21. "
Source: Link above.