
torsdag den 24. marts 2016

Rosa Maria Paya at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy | Translating Cuba

Rosa Maria Paya at the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy | Translating Cuba 

"Dear friends: the Cuban people are not a monolith, to the image and likeness of the Communist Party, the only one legal according to the Constitution. In this new era of “normalization with Cuba”, the table of negotiations should contribute to a true transition and not to the interests of a General in power. We, Cubans do not need that the European Union or the United Sates solve our problems, but we need them to be coherent and to support the right to decide of the Cuban people, using all the channels available.
We are Latin Americans, but we believe in the best principles of North America too. We are Caribbean, but we stand for the best values of Europe too. We are Cubans, but we are Asians and Africans struggling for a better life. Despite the rhetoric of a reactionary regime, let’s not forget that we Cubans are no less than human. And each and every one of the universal human rights applies to us, as much as to anyone in the world.
No man is an Island. No nation is an Island. As my father used to say: help us to globalize solidarity, or human rights in Cuba will always be in danger.
God bless you all, and all our families and countries.

Headlines: Terror attack Brussels + Japan zebra dies in lake

BBC Headlines: 

Terror attacks in Brussels + Japan zebra dies in golf course lake. 


Screenshots   2303-2016   

tirsdag den 22. marts 2016

U.S. Hurts Its Friends, The Kurds, And Helps Its Enemies

U.S. Hurts Its Friends, The Kurds, And Helps Its Enemies 

The U.S. government’s categorical opposition to the former Iraqi Kurds’ independence and the former Syrian Kurds’ self-rule, combined with maximal military demands on the Kurds based on minimal military aid, have helped make America impotent in the region.
By contrast, Russia intervened in the region in ways that helped its clients actually achieve their ends. Russia’s operational objective—securing western Syria for people who would secure Russia’s own naval own base—required closing the Turkish border. That in turn required cooperating with the Kurds who live in the northwest sector thereof.
But the Americans deferred to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s ruler, who did not want the border closed and who fears Kurdish power. Hence, as Turkish artillery pounded the Kurds, the Americans did not help. The Russians, however, helped the Kurds in the crucial enclave with supplies as well as with diplomacy backed by force.

mandag den 21. marts 2016

Arabs and Kurds in Sheikh Maqsood appeal for urgent help.

Arabs and Kurds in Sheikh Maqsood appeal for urgent help. 

Dear Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Kansler Merkel, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein.

To:, Statsministeriet,, Udenrigsministeren Kristian Jensen, Udenrigsministeriet, Cc: Mutu Civiroglu, Nikolaj Villumsen, Martin Lidegaard, Naser Khader

 Heine Stromdahl (
Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:37:48 PM
To: (; Statsministeriet (; (; Udenrigsministeren Kristian Jensen (; Udenrigsministeriet (; (
Nikolaj Villumsen (; Martin Lidegaard (; Naser Khader (

Thanks for your commitment to serve as leaders in these difficult times, we appreciate it. 
Apparently, the inhabitants in the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo still face incoming fire from ruthless jihadists on a daily basis. Unless the threat is neutralized, civilians – of Arab, Kurdish and Assyrian origin - and YPG/YPJ combatants alike will be at risk from falling mortars, homemade rockets and gas attacks. Arab tribal elders of Sheikh Maqsood (Şêx Meqsûd in Kurdish) came forward today with a videotaped request for the international community to stop the massacre on them.[1]  
We (and I know that I speak on behalf of many) are very concerned and ask you to quickly send urgent military and humanitarian assistance to the besieged Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians and other ethnicities in Sheikh Maqsood in Aleppo.  
Written by Heine Strømdahl        
Math Teacher, free-lance researcher.
Copenhagen, Denmark.      
3/12/2016 9:00:57 PM  

Save Sheikh Maqsood in Aleppo – chemical attacks.
Wednesday, March 09, 2016
Dear Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama, Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Kansler Merkel.
First, I want to thank you for your hard work and service in your political duties for your respective countries. In particular, I want to recognize all your efforts in the fight against IS or DAESH.    
Secondly, I want to convey my gratitude to all the dedicated military personnel, who currently are engaged in the fight against IS – especially the pilots and covert special forces on the ground in Syria and Iraq.
The people in the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo have been under brutal attacks by jihadists for several weeks.
The Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood, which is under the protection of Kurdish YPG self-defense units, who only have primitive weapons at their disposal, is a major part of the city of Aleppo. Around 40.000-70.000 persons are said to live there. Although vastly Kurdish, the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood has also been shelter for many Arab and Christian IDPs. 
Civilians and YPG/YPJ fighters in Sheikh Maqsood have been massacred by jihadists, who fire mortars and primitive rockets towards inhabited neighborhoods. A recent YPG statement states that “The last massacre committed by these Syrian opposition factions was on Sunday 6 of March as they shelled the neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsood with more than 80 local made gas cylinders (hell cannons); tens of residential buildings were destroyed upon the people, causing the death of 12 civilians, among them children, women and elders – wounding tens.”
Apparently, it got even worse today. Rêdûr Xelîl, Spokesperson for the Kurdish YPG, reports about a chemical attack in Sheikh Maqsood. Casualties and details are unknown as of this moment.
A growing humanitarian disaster seems to loom in the horizon.  We need to quickly help these besieged people and the YPG/YPJ forces, so they can defeat the ruthless jihadists, who don’t care about human life whatsoever. We need to confront Turkey over the open border, which still provides jihadists plenty of space to move in and out of Turkey. Confronting Turkey may not be easy or politically convenient but it has to be done. If you fail to do so, may others quickly rise to their feet and do it.
If the whole Sheikh Maqsood is overrun by jihadists it will undoubtedly produce yet another wave of refugees streaming towards the Turkish-Syrian border. Turkish border guards are known to shoot at civilians regularly and Amnesty International researcher Andrew Gardner is quoted even today as saying “Now, the information we received via Syria doctors is that there are reports of two or three people being shot every day trying to cross the border irregularly”.  
I kindly ask you to consider this and send urgent military and humanitarian assistance to the besieged Kurds (and the other ethnicities) in Sheikh Maqsood in Aleppo! It is urgent. Without our intervention, I fear an impending massacre and a humanitarian disaster.
I give you thanks in advance.
Sincerely yours.
Teacher, Copenhagen, Denmark.
3/8/2016 6:37:37 PM.   

Dansk rapport afliver myten om motorveje - TV 2

Dansk rapport afliver myten om motorveje - TV 2 
- Troen på, at alting opstår omkring motorveje, holder simpelthen ikke, siger forsker i landdistrikter.
Hvis beboerne i udkantsområderne tror, at nye motorveje vil redde fremtiden og sikre vækst og stigende befolkningstal, skal de nok ikke glæde sig for tidligt.

Politikerne tror på vækst ved flere motorveje

Samme vurdering har både trafikforskere og landdistriktsforskere, mens politikerne stadig tror på, at flere motorveje giver mere vækst.
- Det ser ud til, at motorveje snarere dræner arbejdspladser væk fra udkantsområderne end skaber nye, lyder det ifølge Jyllands-Posten fra trafikforsker Per Homann Jespersen fra Roskilde Universitet, RUC.
Seniorforsker Hanne Tanvig fra Københavns Universitet er af samme opfattelse:
- Troen på, at alting opstår omkring motorveje, holder simpelthen ikke, siger hun til avisen.


Ifølge erhvervs- og vækstminister Troels Lund Poulsen (V) er analysens konklusion "noget værre københavneri". Han kalder det "sund fornuft", at gode trafikale forhold er med til at sikre befolkningsudviklingen i yderområderne.
- Jeg føler mig overbevist om, at motorvejene både i Nordjylland og til Esbjerg har haft en gunstig indvirkning på befolkningsudviklingen, siger Troels Lund Poulsen til Jyllands-Posten.

torsdag den 17. marts 2016

It’s time to turn our backs on Erdogan’s Turkey


It’s time to turn our backs on Erdogan’s Turkey

"Mr. Erdogan is now bombing his own citizens aggressively: The Kurdish-majority city of Diyarbakir has become a deadly place of bomb craters, house-to-house searches and seizures and late-night disappearances. Little of it has anything to do with actual threats to the Turkish state. As the British writer Christopher de Bellaigue recently observed of the Nov. 1 election: “Erdogan pulled off the classic politician’s trick of successfully selling the panacea for an ailment largely of his own making.”

Kurds in Syria and Iraq are our most important allies in Syria’s civil war, and are key to finding a peaceful settlement to that conflict. By turning them into enemies strictly because they threatened his own grandiose political ambitions, Mr. Erdogan has destroyed the unified and open Turkey he earlier helped to create. And he has done so using the tools not just of authoritarianism but now, by silencing the media, of totalitarianism. It is time to stop treating Turkey as an ally, but as a country that has stepped beyond the pale."

The Secret Service at work.

Here you can watch the Secret Service at 

work. They tackle a demonstrater, who 

apparently wanted to share the stage with 

Donald Trump. The intruder is 

succesfully stopped, after that  

they quickly establish a 360 degree shield 

around Donald Trump. That is standard 

procedure and part of basic training, I guess. 

fredag den 4. marts 2016

Morning Star :: The Kurds deserve a wide international recognition | The Peoples Daily

Morning Star :: The Kurds deserve a wide international recognition | The Peoples Daily

"The Turkish political elite’s near pathological hatred of Kurds is a root cause of the protracted conflict inside the country and is an influence on Turkey’s policy towards the crisis in Syria. Ankara would rather align itself, either secretly or more brazenly, with Sunni terror groups such as the Nusra Front and Isis than concede an inch of ground to the mainly secular Kurds.
The Kurds in Turkey and Syria are a mass democratic force who should be natural allies of the left. In their dual struggle against Isis and Turkish state oppression the Kurds deserve wider support than they currently receive.
By closely aligning himself with Islamist extremists Erdogan is flagrantly betraying his own country’s honourable traditions of revolutionary democracy and secularism. The modern Turkish women’s movement, for example, has a history of activism dating from the 1980s and Turkish society has a strong awareness of gender issues."

Lad ikke dagen i morgen være for sent for Sur!

Indtrængende opråb: Lad ikke dagen i morgen være for sent for Sur!
En akut appel fra HDP partiet i Tyrkiet.

Originaltitel: Urgent Call: Don’t Let Tomorrow Be Too Late for Sur!  21. februar 2016. 

De udgangsforbud, som gælder hele døgnet rundt og er af ubestemt varighed, og som AKP regeringen har bekendtgjort i Tyrkiets kurdiske provinser siden den 16. august 2015, fortsætter med at forværre den nødsituation, der er i regionen. En nødsituation, der underminerer grundlæggende menneskerettigheder og frihedsrettigheder, heriblandt retten til at leve i personlig sikkerhed.
I skrivende stund (21. februar 2016) har udgangsforbud været i kraft i syv provinser og tyve amter i et samlet tal på 395 dage. Denne politik med udgangsforbud forbryder sig tydeligvis og direkte imod uafviselige bestemmelser i den tyrkiske republiks forfatning såvel som grundlæggende principper i Den Humanitære Folkeret, først og fremmest bestemmelserne i Genève-konventionen om beskyttelse af civile i krigs- og konfliktområder.  Det seneste og mest destruktive eksempel på systematisk vold og truende massakrer under de herskende udgangsforbud, har fundet sted i byen Cizre i Şırnak provinsen  for øjnene af den ligeglade tyrkiske og internationale offentlighed: Mindst 165 civile, som under militære operationer havde søgt tilflugt i kældrene til beboelsesejendomme, blev bombarderet ihjel af tyrkiske sikkerhedsstyrker.
Mens AKP regeringen fortsætter med at fritage sig selv for ansvaret for at redegøre for, hvad der skete i massakren på civile i Cizre udover klichén om at "bekæmpe terror", så er vi - endnu engang - forfærdede over de seneste nyheder, som kom fra Sur distriktet i Diyabakir, der har været under udgangsforbud i de seneste 78 dage, siden den 11. december 2015. Ifølge lokale kilder og pressen (dateret den 18. februar) er omkring 200 personer, herunder børn og sårede, fortsat fanget i kældrene til beboelsesejendomme i Sur-distriktet, hvor væbnede sammenstød har fundet sted. I de sidste to dage har vores partifunktionærer og parlamentsmedlemmer forsøgt at kommunikere med repræsentanter fra regeringen, med krav om en officiel undersøgelse af disse påstande og åbningen af en sikker korridor til overførsel af de civile, som er fanget.  Men alle vores anstrengelser og krav er stadig ubesvarede. Vi er ekstremt bekymrede over muligheden for, at massakren i Cizre kan blive gentaget i Sur. 
Under disse omstændigheder er vi endvidere bekymret over den internationale offentligheds fortsatte tavshed overfor volden og massakrerne i kurdiske byer. Mens de militære angreb mod de indespærrede civile foregik i Cizre, havde vi fortalt den internationale offentlighed, at dens tavshed og ligegyldighed styrkede AKP regeringen og dens sikkerhedsstyrker i deres ulovlige og umenneskelige praksis i kurdiske byer. Havde den internationale offentlighed rejst en kraftfuld stemme til beskyttelse af livet og sikkerheden for de fangne civile i Cizre, så havde vi måske ikke stået i dag med hundredevis af døde kroppe hentet ud fra ruinerne i Cizre. 

 Billeder: Det øverste af den første ”dødskælder”. det nederste: Sultan Irmak, som omkom i den første dødskælder. De to billeder og teksten er tilføjet af oversætteren og indgår ikke i HDPs appel. Kilde: Jinha og Firat News  [i]
Nu, i kølvandet på en lignende potentiel tragedie, som kan finde sted i Sur-distriktet, appellerer vi - endnu engang - til det internationale samfund.  Vi opfordrer alle internationale institutioner, humanitære organisationer og aktivister til at tage ansvar for denne hastesag og ufortøvet henvende sig til den tyrkiske regering med henblik på at afslutte udgangsforbuddene og statslig vold i kurdiske byer, og især med henblik på at beskytte de civile, som er fanget inde i kældrene i Sur.
Lad ikke i morgen være for sent for Sur!

Hişyar Özsoy.
Næstformand med ansvar for udenrigsanliggender for HDP, Folkets Demokratiske Parti i Tyrkiet.  
Hişyar Özsoy er parlamentsmedlem fra Bingöl.
21. februar 2016.
    Hişyar Özsoy.

De to billeder lige ovenfor er tilføjet af oversætteren og indgår ikke i HDPs appel. Kilde:ukendt.

Oversættelse af Heine Strømdahl og Christian Engelstoft, 23-02-2016, efter ”Urgent Call: Don’t Let Tomorrow Be Too Late for Sur!”.