
"your mother awaits you" - Kurdish mother kissing Turkish solider.

Kurdish mother kissing Turkish solider - "Your mother awaits you."

"Go back don't die for someone else's war, your mother awaits you" - Kurdish mother kissing Turkish solider.

mandag den 27. juli 2015

"PKK and Syrian Kurds are the spearhead in the fight against ISIS”

"PKK and Syrian Kurds are the spearhead in the fight against ISIS,” – Hadi al-Amri

 Hadi al-Amri is The head of the Shiite Badr Organization

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The head of the Shiite Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amri, said Monday that Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighters and its affiliates were spearheading the war against Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

PKK and Syrian Kurds are the spearhead in the fight against ISIS,” said Amri. “Turkey continues to assist ISIS,” he said.

His comments came as Turkey launched a crackdown on the outlawed PKK, with raids across the country and air strikes on the group’s Qandil Mountain base in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Amri said that the Turkish crackdown was in response to Kurdish gains in Syria against ISIS near the Turkish border.

Turkey has not changed its stance towards ISIS, and what happened over the previous days came days after Kurdish forces deployed on Turkey’s border. These actions by Turkey indicate the country’s unstoppable assistance for ISIS," Amri said.

He praised the role of Kurdish forces, especially the PKK-affiliated Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) fighters in battles against ISIS.

They have achieved great victories against ISIS, and now they are in control of a vast majority of Kurdish territories in northern Syria,” according to Amri.

The end of ISIS is not in Iraq but in Syria; they must be taken out there first, then Iraq," Amri said.

He claimed that, unless Iran helped Iraq militarily in the fight against ISIS, it and the Gulf Arab counties would fall to ISIS.

lørdag den 25. juli 2015

Factual error in BBC report about Turkish air strikes against PKK bases.

Not entirely correct – factual error in BBC report about Turkish air strikes against PKK bases.

Subject: Error today in and TV-report about the same.

Dear journalists at the BBC.

I am Heine Strømdahl, math teacher from Copenhagen.

Thanks for your fine and dedicated work, I highly appreciate it and watch BBC World news on a daily basis!
However, as far as I am informed, there is a factual error! – or at least something you need to clarify - in your report about the recent Turkish F-16 bomb attacks directed against the PKK bases in Iraqi Kurdistan - and perhaps also some PKK bases in Turkey itself.

In the article, , it is written that
The overnight air strikes in northern Iraq were the first time Turkey had attacked the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) since a 2013 truce”.

Screenshot BBC article, 

1: The Turkish Air Force attacked and bombed PKK bases in Turkey in the month of June. (june 30)
According to the HPG statement, the bombardment with a number of warplanes of the Turkish army targeted the areas of Avashin, Martyr Rahime, Martyr Bager, Martyr Erdal, Martyr Gafur, Martyr Afad and Şaxê Nêriya in Medya Defense Zones at between 09.10 - 13.00 today.
HPG reported that the bombardment which was also supported by tank, howitzer and mortar attacks”
2: More generally speaking it would appear that in reality the Turkish Army has been quite aggressive in operations directed against the PKK inside of Turkey for the last few months.
For example, the PKK itself says – or claims - that The Turkish Army has set up numerous ambushes in the ”guerilla zones”. And it is well known that ”small” skirmishes between the PKK and The Turkish Army have occured several times during the last few months – resulting in some casualties on both sides.
In making this assertion I am relying heavily on my accumulated readings at , and + a few others.

Example 1:
Ex 2:
Maxzume Muhammedzade, from Selmas city of East Kurdistan, lost her life in an ambush laid by Turkish soldiers in Eruh district of Siirt on 14 June.”

I have taken this subject up in more extensive detail in this piece (see page 5 and end notes), which includes some sources:

If these reports hold true then by implication, you will need to clear up any confusion and correct the sentence ”The overnight air strikes in northern Iraq were the first time Turkey had attacked the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) since a 2013 truce”.

It may be entirely correct that the strike is the first Turkish bomb attack against PKK inside Iraqi Kurdistan since 2013, but apart from that the sentence is quite misleading and certainly need some clarification – I think you should take the issue up in much more detail in another report.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I guess we can agree?

Once again, thanks for your service!

Sincerely yours

Heine Strømdahl


I cannot help but think about the events at Mount Sinjar and ask: Who was it, that helped the Yazidies on Mount Sinjar?
According to your own reporting, it was PKK affiliated forces, that did most of ”the rescue work”. .


Excuse my broken English!

Read the piece in PDF here

torsdag den 16. juli 2015

Velkommen til Danmark, make yourself at home.

Velkommen til Danmark!
(Jeg forstår, at der fra visse politiske kredse arbejdes på en video med et budskab til flygtninge eller kommende flygtninge, som tænker på at søge mod Danmark. Budskabet er at "Danmark bliver ikke dit hjem" - eller noget i den stil ) Det kan vi gøre bedre. Til alle de flygtninge, som allerede er kommet hertil siger vi "Velkommen til Danmark".
Så jeg vil gerne komme med et lille pip og en opfordring om at vi ALLE - uanset etnisk, religiøs eller politisk baggrund, uanset om det er Heine, Jens, Ahmed, Nisrin, Fatima, Pia, Amina og andre - byder dem velkommen heroppe i det høje nord... "Velkommen til Danmark, make yourself at home".
Det er så let at skrive og ikke altid så let at udleve i praksis, må vi finde styrken til det.. Dog er der allerede masser af frivillige, som er i fuld gang og besøger flygtningelejre, arbejder ulønnet i lektiecafeer, tager del i diverse integrationsprojekter m.m. så der sker allerede en del når vi kigger på den (ulønnede og organiserede) side af ”integrationen” (plus naturligvis den lønnede og mere organiserede del, som eksempelvis denne ”sangintegration” ) .... det håber jeg folk generelt informerer sig selv om, og ikke kun lægger al deres opmærksomhed hos ballademagere og tyveknægte i Gellerup eller andre steder.
De kreative kan måske bruge af alle deres færdigheder til at lave lidt postyr med nogle finurlige ”Velkommen til Danmark” posteringer på deres Facebook, Twitter, Blogs osv.... Jeg siger postyr fordi der er ”så mange”, der straks har behov for at fortælle os, at vi ikke bare kan modtage ubegrænsede flygtningestrømme og vi ”risikerer” (der er frygten igen) at tiltrække flere.
Ja, kammerat, det ved vi da godt, er der mere du vil sige?” - interessant side.

"Velkommen til Danmark, make yourself at home" 


torsdag den 9. juli 2015

Crushing the Islamic State Militarily Comes First

Crushing the Islamic State Militarily Comes First

"That some Arab countries are willing to supply such (military) aid, and directly at that, speaks volumes about how much the world’s views of the Kurds have evolved – except within the Obama administration, it seems. "

"While the United States has been helping the Kurds via air strikes against ISIS and some supplies (an air drop of supplies and weapons to Kobane last year and light weapons and munitions sent via Baghdad to the Iraqi Kurds), others recognize the best antidote to ISIS more clearly. Yet Washington is apparently busily preventing even Arab countries from directly supplying the Kurds with military aid, insisting that everything go through Baghdad. That some Arab countries are willing to supply such aid, and directly at that, speaks volumes about how much the world’s views of the Kurds have evolved – except within the Obama administration, it seems. "

tirsdag den 7. juli 2015

(47) Save Kobane - "Our family now feel honoured to consider ourselves...

(47) Save Kobane - "Our family now feel honoured to consider ourselves...

"Our family now feel honoured to consider ourselves Australian Kurds" A message from Reece Hardings mother Mrs. Michelle Harding to the Australian government and the Kurdish people:
Why is the the Australian government so intent on imprisoning all returning fighters regardless. There is a big difference as the YPG is fighting against ISIS murders of innocents. It is farcical to put the fighters of an evil regime in the same prisons as the people defending the freedom and rights of a persecuted nation like Kurdistan. The Kurdish people want the same as us to live in a safe society where their children can laugh and play outside like our Australian children take for granted. My son enjoyed that carefree childhood and he wanted that for others. Reece also recognised that this evil would spread it's preachings of hate and infect countries world wide.
Religion should not be about hate and all people should have the right to worship however they please. Religion should be about trying to live a decent and good life for the sake of all humanity. We are all equals no matter what colour or race. We all share the same feelings for our loved ones and we all hurt the same way if we lose them. What ever God you believe in would not want killings done in its name. We kill each other not our Gods. Please share with as many people as you can as the world would be a lot better place when the slaughter stops and we learn to respect each other and live in peace.It really is that simple. Just one last thought our politicians have security teams looking after them and their families........who do you have to protect yours?
To the Kurdish people:
I am the Mother of Reece Harding, Haval Bagok Australi. I so thank you all for your loving support.
I also want the world to acknowledge the loss of so many of your sons and daughters that the media and press don't think is worthy of front page news. We all have different religions and cultures but we our all the same human race and all of equal value. As Mums our grief and pain of losing our children is the same. It upset me to learn of the death of another hero Heval Sardesh my heart goes out to his family and friends.
I am sorry I can't write this in Kurdish but Reece and our family now feel honoured to consider ourselves Australian Kurds. I didn't want my son to die but in a strange way it comforts me that he died this way helping others rather than in a meaningless car accident or something. I pray that all our children stay safe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness.
Michelle Harding the mother of warrior Reece Harding